6 Billion Bitcoin Transactions on BSV Blockchain — Expect More

We’re about to show you something cool, but you’ll probably be saying “meh” a year from now. the BSV blockchain network It processed its 6 billionth transaction this week, less than a month after reaching the milestone 5 billion milestone. This is the amazing part. But this year, as Bitcoin’s “Teranode era” begins, you can expect those numbers to look paltry in comparison.
Pteranoda comprehensive rewrite of the original Bitcoin protocol software, will be able to process more than 1 million transactions per second. All of these transactions are recorded on the underlying blockchain; There is no need for additional layers or bolted side “solutions”. BSV is Bitcoin, as well It was first described by Satoshi Nakamotoand Teranode will still follow all the original rules.
Bitcoin is scaling on-chain, there is no denying that now
The Bitcoin SV Node team removed built-in limits on transaction block sizes in January 2020, and BSV has processed its billionth transaction In March 2022. At the time, we noted that this was a sign that the potential of Bitcoin was much greater than what had been allowed to be used up to that point.
If you’re wondering why Bitcoin Still not taking the world by storm 16 years later, these statistics provide part of the answer – a lot of time has been wasted arguing about whether or how Bitcoin can expand to challenge other payment networks. From the beginning, people said it couldn’t be done. Then, others came along to say it shouldn’t be done (for some reason). BSV has proven both arguments wrong, even before The Tyranod era begins.
Teranode will not only handle payment networks like Visa (Nasdaq:V) and MasterCard (Nasdaq: M). It will be able to process as much data as the Internet itself.
What’s the point? This means that all electronic information we use every day can be immutable and verifiable. This alone is a huge improvement in today’s world, where data loss, arbitrary censorship, and hyper-reality cause real problems. It’s also a way to make business, legal, and government data records more secure. It sets new standards for Data ownershipgives more power to individual users, and creates new economies by providing more opportunities to monetize the information we create.
This certainly seems more beneficial to the world than buying a few decimal numbers of Bitcoin and hoping you can sell them for more dollars in the future… one way or another. Bitcoin was supposed to be useful to everyone, not a lottery ticket or a casino.
Oh, and it also processes payments quickly and cheaply. Do you remember this promise?
And if all you really want is a fast and cheap digital payments network, BSV is that, too. One million transactions per second (and this is just a rough estimate) will handle everyone’s data processing and payment needs. Note that even as BSV crossed the six billion mark, the average transaction fee was only US$5.5e-7 (i.e. US$0.00000055). Blockchain technology could be the original payments layer that the Internet was always meant to have, but never got.
These types of numbers are not even relevant to the average individual user. Ultimately, the blockchain processing network fades into the background, something that only developers and accountants need to consider. The rest of us enjoy a world of big data where information can be trusted again.
BSV is what Satoshi Nakamoto wanted Bitcoin to be, and what the world needs Bitcoin to be. Forget the media hype and speculative prices; This is just a game. It’s time to look Real world solutions and new economic opportunities Which actually offers.
Watch: Teranode is the digital backbone of Bitcoin
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