News and analysis on encrypted currencies, Blockchain and decentralized financing

Brevis, a verified computing platform supported by zero knowledge, just Pico, is a standard and high -performance apparent device (ZKVM).
PICO allows to create specialized workflow tasks for every need, and to integrate an advanced data processor on the chain that improves performance up to 32 times.
Let’s go more in the discussion below.
Brevis and the new challenges in the scene of applications on the series
Brevis is a web3 entity that develops advanced techniques to improve use Zero knowledge of proofs In Blockchain field.
Thanks to the advanced infrastructure, it allows encryption applications to transfer expensive calculations to an environment outside the chain, which increases the ability to expand while maintaining L1 safety.
Even today, many entities in Defi The ecosystem (both chains and DAPS) has succeeded in adopting the innovative features of Brevis, such as KWENTA, usual, fangort, Frax, Quickswap, Mellow Finance, berabour, and others.
However, with Brevis shared with new partners, new challenges and New needs in the context of customized workflow tasks back.
First of all, more and more projects require unique priorities in terms of performance and complexity In the logic of work, with very customized jobs.
Second, with the growth of new ZK technologies, it was noted that the systems that lack a Ministry of DefenseULar Architecture is often struggled with performance and improvements.
Thus, Brevis reached the conclusion of the need The apparent ZKVM device is able to adapt flexibly to the surrounding environment Based on the complexity of each individual application, without the need to use a rigid homogeneous approach.
This is the way Pico was born, and it is a real turning point for calculation engines.
Brevis launches Pico: A LEB3 detector
ZKVM is represented with a standard structureDesigned to enable developers to build ZK applications designed to meet their own needs.
Application developers from Web3 Pico units can be assembled as if they were LEGO bricks, thus specifically adapting to all computing requirements.
Whether it comes to improving safety, expansion or efficiency in the generation of proof, this Brevis allows to create specialized workflow tasks for every need.
From an artistic point of view. Pico has a “glue and processor” structure, based on advanced data processors Creating greatly enhancing performance. In addition, it is compatible with the RISC-V standard and supports rust programming chains, and easily adapts to the tool groups used by developers.
By launching the V1.0 version of PICO, Brevis presented to the first ZKVM world that allows developers to test programs with:
- A demonstration from the backgroundStark on Koalabear, Babybear and Circlestark on MERSENNE 31.
- The workflow demonstration: Improving security goals, expansion, and generating proof to meet the specific needs of your application.
- Reaching historical data on the series: By merging with ZKCOPROCESOR Data on the Series, developers created DAPPS capable of accessing historical data on the chain and processing it with full safety, providing the best performance and programming.
Design and flexibility of the glue and processor structure
As we mentioned, Pico consists of the structure of “glue and therapist” that combines efficiency Specialized joint operations With flexibility a ZKVM for general purposes.
For those who do not know, common treatments are dedicated circles that speed up complex operations, such as calculation or encryption. The virtual ZKVM device works as a seduction in the process of proving and verifying data, ensuring that the logic that is not covered by common processors is still securely installed.
Moreover, Pico is used Premombilaces (Ready tools) speed some basic processes, such as Retail Or check the signature. However, for the most complex applications, pre -signals alone are not enough.
For this reason, Pico has another level: merge a Applications for applications Which deals with the specific data related operations on BlockchainSuch used for uniswap. This common therapist increases access to data and verify it, making the ZK evidence faster, while maintaining great elasticity for developers who need to manage more complex logic.
To show the advantages of a similar mixed approach, Brevis compared the Pico VM performance with Pico VM with ZKCOPROCESS processors on data.
The results showed a Performing more than 32 times higher for Beko VM with a dedicated joint therapistAt a cost of only 33 % of the original Pico expenses.
Although the new version is slower than the original, ZKVM represents an excellent compromise between performance and programming, not available on the market today.
It is important to highlight how this general design model is applied only to the use of calculations on the series and access to data. In fact, PICO integrates AI’s inferiority to verify common processors at the application level to speed up the generation of proofs significantly even for such cases.
Unprecedented performance for Pico: Comparative with other ZKVM solutions
Compared to the current ZKVM solutions, Pico is proud of more performance performance in proving operations on the CPU.
Brevis Pico compare the latest versions RISC0and SP1And OpenVMThus, comparing infrastructure with the burden of high action.
The test was performed on the same CPU, which is an AWS R7a.48XLARGE with 192 CPU and 1.5 TB of RAM, allowing all ZKVMS to create evidence to the final scattered guide before converting it to SNARK.
Both Fibonacci’s work burden and scenario in the real world have been evaluated: ANANA and the Rith #17106222 mass.
The results showed that Pico showed a major accounting acceleration, with Performance 155 % is better than the second best solution.
These numbers create a new standard of speed for the ZKVM world, as they open new opportunities in the world of high -order applications.
In all this, Brevis will soon be released GPUSo that he can handle high -density calculations in parallel. Therefore, the results of the CPU performance will be translated into accounts on the graphics processing unit.