“War against encryption,” says the PRO-XRP Deaton lawyer, says.

The lawyer and founder of Crypto Law, John Diton, has taken to social media and warned that fighting encryption is far from completing.
Diton said that the issue of the Supreme Education Council against Ripple Just targeted the company – he also claimed that XRP itself was safe, ignoring 75 years of legal precedents. Deaton represented more than 75,000 XRP holders in the continuous state between Ripple and SEC. Many in the encryption world were hoping that this would be one time, but when similar lawsuits were filed against platforms such as Coinbase and Kraken, it became clear that the case was greater than just ripples.
Then came “ChokePoint 2.0”, a batch by the organizers to leak on encryption, along with battles from personalities such as Caitlin Long and Customia Bank against the Federal Reserve. Although the recent departure of Jengler from the Supreme Education Council may indicate some of these battles, Diton warns that many battles are still continuing.
One of the biggest concerns now is the legal issue against the Roman storm, the developer of Tornado Cash, and the developers of the Samurai portfolio. These cases include section 1960 of the United States Law, which deals with companies that transport unlicensed funds. The encryption community has long believed that developers who did not directly control user’s money did not consider money transmission devices, but the Ministry of Justice (doj) did not agree.
“I hope to help increase awareness of the importance of these cases. If the Roman storm is condemned and one day is lost from its freedom, imagine a chilling effect on the DEFI industry.”
Although there is still a discussion on issues such as investment funds circulating in space and whether some symbols are securities, the real risk to encryption comes from these legal cases targeting Defi. The struggle for the future of Crypto has not yet ended, and Deaton urges society to stay at alert.
2025-02-03 07:51:00