User Sagoreva 600 Eth To send SCI-Fi message to warning Chinese use of brain

Etherum transactions burn over 500 ETE and send 591 ETH to Wikileaks drew attention to Tuesday.
BlockSchain data show that it is an account identified As “Hu Lezhi”, he made a series of transfers involving donations to addresses marked with Vikileaks, transfers in zero gratings, which represent the burns of tokens and pays grant donors. Transactions, which have been overall over 1,000 ETEs, followed in chain messages in Chinese, which list abuse in emerging technologies with brain.
Hi records Indicate that one transaction was burned by 500 cards 17. February, while an additional burn of 70 e-shards 15 and 33 of the Charters 10. February. 10. February, a prominent form of financial activity that seems to be intended for signaling protests. Other transfers include donations 591 ETH and several other transactions ranging from 25 to 300 ETE.
These transfers collectively signal a double message: redistribution of funds according to whistling associated organizations and a symbolic act of destruction of value.
Combined translated Burning messages Read:
“Head of Quanda Investment: Feng Xin and KSU Izhi used brain weapons to haunt all employees in the company and former employees, and even they are under control.” – (500 Eth Burnt 17. February)
“How brain interfaces and mind technology are still developing, a new form of crime appeared: wild animals have become dolls or complete slaves to digital machines.” – (75 Eth Burnt 15. February)
“The new form of crime appeared in which victims gradually remove their desires and sensory experiences until they become complete slaves with digital machines. If one day I become a victim in the final phase, I would decide to leave this world.” – (33 Eth Burnt 10. February)
Accompanying messages states that Feng Xin and KSU Izhi from Kuarda investment hired “Mozgono-Mechanical Weapons” for the control of employees and former staff. The text claims that it is as if related to computer interfaces and reading the mind, victims can gradually lose their wishes and sensory experiences, eventually become “complete slaves to digital machines”.
Millions in donations Vikileaks
One message is concluded with a personal statement indicating that if the sender reached the final phase of this alleged process, they would decide to “leave this world”.
Funds sent to Vikileaks, organization historically associated with disclosure and investigative journalism, propose an attempt to channel resources to entities that are perceived as counterheads for institutional control.
At the same time, the burning of ETE, the process that permanently removes circulation tokens, it seems intended to symbolize resistance or rejection of technologies that are reportedly used for coercion.
Observers familiarize with the Bulkchain activities indicate the public, non-refundable nature of the chain transactions as a mechanism for broadcasting disagreements and warn the community.
Although it is stated in connection with the brain and digital enslavement and digital enslavement of elements more common than the technology, the choice for involving these receivables in financial activity gives them the degree of visibility that is rare in traditional media. However, scheduling such messages together with significant financial transfers may reflect personal distress as well as a political statement.
Message included in donation to read Wikileaks,
(Editor Note: Trigger Warning: Suicide)
“I’m Hu Lezhi, an ordinary programmer and an entrepreneur. I realized that I was followed and manipulated organizations with a controlled birth. And when I realized the existence of organizations that control the brain, they also increased damage.
I lived in great pain for the last two years, and now I arrived to the point where my dignity as a human being was completely lost. I decided to leave this world and hope this ugly world will soon be destroyed. “
Mention “monitored and manipulated organizations under the control of the brain” suggests that Hu Lezhi will have a form of psychosis, given that such technology will be considered data to today’s standards and the probability of its existence before decades is extremely low.
Unfortunately, Hu Lezhi ends his message of donations saying, “I decided to leave this world and hope this ugly world will soon be destroyed.”
These transactions occurred during the last week, although attention was spiked today after 500 Eth was worse with a significant donation of Wikileaks. Little is currently known about the wallet owner, except what is included in the messages.
As of today, the most modern chip with a brain known to the public is known to the neural brain, also known as “Link”. This device represents a significant jump forward in computer technology-computer (BCI) and recently made titles for your successful human implant.
However, this device allows people to control computers and other electronic devices, not the other way around.
2025-02-17 19:31:00