Market Update

Update of the encryption market: DOT and SUI face critical directions

The encrypted currency market is constantly developed, as traders are constantly looking for the following great opportunity. Recently, attention has turned into two important symbols: Polkadot (Dot) and SUI. Both are currently in pivotal points, and the analysis of their prices can help traders to move in this water more effectively.

From SUI, the distinctive symbol was struggling to stick to the 3.50 main support level. Currently traded at 3,4133, the recent decline in Haboodi trends has led to concerns among merchants. If SUI is stormed at the 3.38 level, this may lead to more landfill. Analysts closely monitor this scenario because if SUI fails to maintain its location, it may continue to decrease towards a range of 3.10 – 3.00. These opportunities may open for short traders, as the market may suffer from great pressure for sale.×0/tpg%2F533bcfb8-6cf3-4e0b-b6a4-3199075f52da.jpeg

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