The costs of the recipient’s encrypted theft are more than 800 Malaysian Rangeette

A The owner recently faced a major financial predicament after being forced to withstand a huge electricity bill for more than 800,000 Malaysian Rangeette.
According to a foot report @astro_hotspotThe owner, who was determined as Jason, was left to deplete due to the excessive punishment due to the illegal stealing electricity of the tenant from the coded currency.
Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB) initially issued a fine of 1.7 million Malaysian Rangeette, but it reduced to 825,000 Malaysian Rangeette after four years of lawsuits.
“Why, as an owner, should I be responsible for the illegal procedures for my lighter?” “
His ordeal began after renting his property to the tenant in July 2020.
Unfortunately, the tenant was deceived by Jason, who claimed that he tied the large energy cables to the building after three months, causing the entire building’s experience in the power outage.
After TNB Jason released 1.7 million Malaysian Rangeette, he immediately called the tenant, to find that the tenant had left without trace – leaving behind a fake identity after Jason tried to follow him.
With frustration due to the procedures of the undressive tenant, the owner went to the police and submitted the required documents according to the TNB request.
In addition, he sought a legal advisor and advised to wait for a TNB lawyer’s letter before paying the fine.
TNB finally tackled the Jason case in 2022 and reduced the initial fine by half to 825,000 Malaysian Rangeette.
Although the fine had decreased in half at a later time, he continued to fight his case, as he had to deal with the huge amount of money. Two years after litigation from 2022 to 2024, he lost the case.
After four years of lawsuits, his savings quickly diminished, and at the top of a fine of 825,000 Malaysian Rangeette (which continues to accumulate the interest rate of 5 %), now has 36,000 Malaysian Rangeette in the legal payment fees.
Despite the current financial disorders, it is not planning to decline and decide to challenge the case. He is considering employing another lawyer to see if he has an opportunity to reflect the decision.×250/0c0/0d0/none/11808/WQBK/untitled-design-2025-02-20t145937-447_4989505_20250220150016.jpg