Crypto News

Tool for monitoring coordination for coin coin forging pump and disposal

Perseus: coordination monitoring tool for coin for betting pumps and disposal

Perseus consists of three components: Fetcher real-time, temporal attribute graph generator and mastermarkin detector. Credit: arksiv (2025). Doi: 10.48550 / Arkiv.2503.01686

The team of computer scientists and financial experts at College London University has developed a tool for monitoring the coordination efforts of the pump and landfill of the CRIPTO coin manipulators. They published paper on arksiv Preprint server that describes their tool called Perseus, her purpose and how it works.

Criptocurrencies are still in their infancy and are unregulated, which means that there are few rules on how they can and cannot be used. It also means that investing in them still risky.

In this new study, researchers suggest that there are fewer than 500 main players, which describe as mastermarks, working on the game for profit. These Masterminds, researchers are claimed, developed what they became known as pump schemes, in which they have a cold coin to buy, and then sell their coins when they believe the purchase has reached the required procedure.

Researchers indicate that most of the purchase and sales take place with crypto coins run in a relationship with a Messaging system It is called a telegram, where hypotation is made. The chests are used for communication between potential customers and sellers.

To learn more about what happens to crypto in markets, the research team has built a system that can read messages sent between customers and sellers on telegram and analyzed them. They found that next to Masterminds there is also what the team describes as accomplices – people who spread messages published by Masterminds, allowing Hippers to build.

With Perseus, the research team revealed 438 Masterminds, who were liable for about $ 3.2illion in the store of artificial cry, and collectively abolished at approximately $ 250 million a year.

By reading some messages sent between users on telegram, researchers noticed that the ease with which Masterminds could carry out their schemes to be worrying to those who try to crypto Making a coin. They also suggest that at some point will require a certain form of regulation to maintain the system to work, because in the end, those who are deceived, and the entire system will collapse.

More information:
Honglin Fi et al, Perseus: Masterminds Search Behind the pump scheme for cryptocurnent pumps, arksiv (2025). Doi: 10.48550 / Arkiv.2503.01686

Magazine information:

© 2025 Science X Network

Quote: Perseus: coordination tool for coordination coordination coordinations and dump crypto (2025, 24. March) Taken 24. Marta 2025. with https: //

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2025-03-24 23:50:00

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