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The study concluded that the high ownership of encrypted currencies is linked to 75% to the bias of financial knowledge – Tradingview News

Crossed currencies have changed the financial scene, and have acquired the interest of technology lovers, investors and organizers all over the world. However, with the acquisition of digital assets of great importance, decisive questions arise about the role of financial culture and cognitive biases in forming investment behaviors.

Experimental evidence confirms that financial knowledge greatly affects financial stability by strengthening the process of individual decision -making. People who have financial knowledge take the highest wise options, such as the budget mode effectively, savings for emergency situations, and understanding borrowing costs.

On the contrary, the low financial culture often leads to poor decisions, excessive borrowing, and the susceptibility to distorted expectations, which leads to exaggeration of regular risks.

Understanding the risk of cryptocurrencies requires financial knowledge

Why does financial knowledge play a pivotal role in the ecosystem of encrypted currencies? The inherent complexity of digital assets such as cryptocurrencies requires accurate financial knowledge to deal with their risks. Understanding Blockchain technology, digital portfolios and trading platforms – all of which are important components to invest in encrypted currencies – requires a level of digital and financial knowledge that many investors lack.

Curricula themselves are varied, starting from well -known names like Bitcoin, ethereum to alternative speculative currencies. Without the ability to conduct a critical assessment of technology and market trends, investors may fall prey to speculation bubbles or projects of small fundamental value.

The lack of financial knowledge exacerbates these challenges, which makes it difficult to understand the potential consequences of market fluctuations, and thus increase exposure to shocks. The relationship between financial knowledge and the ownership of encrypted currencies is of particular importance due to the complexity of these assets compared to the traditional financial tools and the risks they constitute on financial stability.

A study linking excessive confidence and cryptocurrency investments

A recent study entitled ownership of cryptocurrencies and cognitive biases in perceived financial knowledge, which was conducted in Spain, Santiago Carbo, and Pedro J. Kadros, Francisco Rodriguez, funded by Fonkas, highlights this issue. Research is looking at how to influence the financial knowledge bias – the gap between perceived and actual financial knowledge – on the ownership of the encrypted currency.

Based on a survey that included more than 2000 participants, the study determines the bias of financial knowledge as a decisive determinant of the ownership of the encrypted currency, even after controlling variables such as age, income and digital activity.

Automated learning highlights the factors of encrypted currencies

Using advanced machine learning techniques, the study reveals that individuals who exaggerate their financial knowledge are more likely to invest in encrypted currencies. Specifically, those who exaggerated their financial knowledge were 75 % more likely to possess digital assets compared to those who have accurate self -assessments. For every increase in the bias of financial knowledge, the possibilities of possession of cryptocurrencies increased by 4.37 times.

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Why does this happen? Individuals who exaggerate their financial knowledge may feel excessive confidence in facing the complications of the encrypted currency market. Cognitive biases, such as confirmation bias, can increase this confidence by pushing individuals to focus on information that proves the validity of their investment options while ignoring evidence of potential risks. Treating these biases is necessary to enhance more rational and enlightened investment behavior.

Cognitive biases feed speculation bubbles in cryptocurrencies

Interestingly, the study also found that when the financial culture degrees were modified to take into account the bias, the probability of ownership of encrypted currencies decreased by 25.4%. This highlights the importance of precisely self -evaluation in mitigating risky investment behaviors.

While the adoption of encrypted currencies is not harmful to its nature, it can pose regular risks when it is driven by misleading information or cognitive biases. Curricula currencies often attract individuals looking for fast returns, which may fuel speculative bubbles and increase market fluctuations. Such conditions also create opportunities for fraud and fraud, which increases the stability of the financial ecosystem.

Promote financial education to mitigate risk

For policymakers and organizational bodies, these results emphasize the urgent need to enhance financial education. It is possible to help initiatives that address cognitive biases and enhance objective financial knowledge in risk alleviation and encourage responsible investment behavior. Organizational authorities and industrial leaders should cooperate to ensure investors obtain reliable information and guarantees against misleading allegations.

By enhancing the culture of financial culture and addressing cognitive biases, we can help ensure that the cryptocurrency revolution is comprehensive and sustainable. Whether we are investors, teachers, or policy makers, the awareness of the interaction between knowledge, awareness and behavior is the key to success in this dynamic financial scene.

Francisco Rodriguez also contributed to writing this article.

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