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Standard Authorized Teams Up with the Animare brands for the issuance of Stablecon that support Hong Kong

Standard Authorized Teams Up with the Animare brands for the issuance of Stablecon that support Hong Kong

Standard Chartered, brand Animoca and HKT formed a joint investment for noon and for the submission for Hong Kong Dollar.

Standard rentHong Kong Branch, Cripto Venture Firm Brands Animaraand HKT teamed up to initiate a joint venture aimed at issuing a Hong Kong dollar-supported Stablecoin As the region signals its willingness to strengthen its position in the digital asset market.

At 17. February Blog announcementAnimoca said the new joint venture would apply for a license under the updated Hong Kong Monetary Authority, although did not work out time frame.

Animoca will help in the endeavor in CRIPTO-Native Opportunities and “Explore innovative uses via Web3,” While HKT will bring its own mobile wallet expertise to develop innovative cases of innovative StableCoin “, in accordance with the announcement.

Bill Winters, group Executive Director, Chartered Standard, says the development of different forms of tokenized money “integral to the progress of this industry”.

“Therefore, we actively include in various digital currencies of central bank, tokenized deposits and, of course, stablecoins projects. We present solutions and instruments that are serviced by this market and satisfy the growing client’s growing request.”

Bill Winters

Although winter did not mention a network for a stem-supporting HKD, noted that stableciins play a critical role like “Public chain instruments with proven cases of use”. Mary Huen, General Manager of Standard Chartered Hong Kong and Great China and Northern Asia, said the goal was to start stablecoins “that can use certain institutions and individuals in a wide number of use”.

2025-02-17 13:28:00

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