Crypto News

The French State Bank is incorporating $ 27 million for the CRIPTO with a “strong French print”

The French State Bank says that they will spend 25 million euros ($ 27 million) to buy cryptocurrency that support local projects cripto and Blocchain.

Bpifrance said At 27. March announcements for the public who would return newly formed projects “with a strong French footprint” where to get tokens in exchange his investment And they will seek to finance decentralized finances (defined), putting, tokenization and artificial intelligence.

This added that the plan, which supports the French Ministry of Economy and Finance, to “promote emerging technologies and strengthens French blockchain ecosystem.”

Global Blokcain Ecosystem is “currently blossoming”, but the number of French participating funds is still very limited, it is said.

French digital and AI Minister Clara Chappaz said public and Private funding Is “one of the keys to sustainable positioning our ecosystem on the international phase.”

Bpifrance Deputy General Manager Arnaud Caudouk said he was convinced of increasing importance to CLOCCHAIN ​​companies in years to come and want to increase the French competitiveness and presence in the field of digital property. “

“Now they really accelerate their crypto strategy, so it is more important,” Caudouk said at a press conference export by Reuters. He added that Bpifrance began to support the crypt before the United States started his own pro-crypto moves.

The French State Bank is incorporating $ 27 million for the CRIPTO with a "strong French print"

Bpifrance’s seat in Paris. Source: Google

The Bank said that in the decade was supported by the Block Chain Sector and invested over 150 million euros ($ 162 million), especially assisting Krupto’s finances Hardware wallet The book of the company in 2014 years.

Bpifrance said to test limited investments through Tokens 2022. years, including a CAPI platform of Morfo, to buy his token – which has grown to 12. the largest protocol at $ 3.24 billion, toward to the defilay.

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Venture capitalists often participate in investments paid in tokens. Pitchbook expects Crypto VC deals Top $ 18 billion this yearexpressed increase of 13.6 billion dollars raised 2024. Years.

Usually, the crypto platform that launches the token will extract part of its offer to the financiers with susceptible periods of the difference in the open conclusion in which tokens cannot be sold.

The part of the token supply is usually immediately given to select public users to roll liquidity, which can cause token values ​​to slide if they enter.

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