The excitement wanders around the Web3 and Crypto, but VC dollars do not follow

Editor Note: For more Web3 coverage, visit Crunchbase’s Web3 TrackerWhere we follow startups, investors and financing news at Web3, Cryptocurrency and Blockchain, supported CrunchbaseLive and comprehensive data.
The encryption world and Blockchain rejoiced by changing the US presidential management that provides a promise to decrease the regulations on digital assets.
However, financing for startups WEB3 did not witness a dramatic boost in the fourth quarter, as VCS invested the lowest amount of money in the sector in the year, for all Crunchbase Data.
The fourth quarter last year witnessed a $ 1.8 billion flow of Web3 companies in 267 deals announced, by 18 % in dollars from the third quarter when similar startups raised $ 2.2 billion in 326 transactions.
However, the Q4 dollar number is 20 % increase over the same quarter in 2023, which saw only $ 1.5 billion in investing in the WEB3 startups in 348 transactions.
The quarter in the year in which the sector witnessed the total amount of investment in dollars will remain unchanged from 2023, and the deal is excessively slow.
For this year, $ 8.5 billion in the WeB3 sector was invested in 1545 transactions, a similar amount of $ 8.2 billion in 2023, but a decrease of 26 % from 2,085 transactions in the same year.
Large large tours
The defeated numbers of a quarter are not surprising when looking at the raised tours. Only four rounds of $ 50 million or more were collected – compared to nine in the Q3.
The largest web 3 rounds were in the quarter quarter:
- In October, its headquarters is Montreal BlockstreamThe Blockchain developer of the digital asset infrastructure raised 210 million dollars from transferring convertible notes.
- New York -based investment platform general Arose 135 million D-2 series Including $ 105 million in property rights and $ 30 million of debt – in December. PubLic is a breaking investment platform that allows members to build a variety of portfolios, including stocks, traded investment funds, encryption and NFTS.
- In November, UK -based CrytocoinminerThe coded cloud mining platform, which raised a project of $ 100 million.
Interestingly, two of these rounds (Blockstream and the public) were among the five largest raised in this sector in 2024. The two largest rounds of this year were:
- In July, An endless truthWeb3, which is based on the state of Connecticut, which creates overwhelming 3D environments, raised a 350 million dollar tour with a rating of $ 5.1 billion from an unknown multi -capacity office. (This month, a 3 -billion -dollar start -up company raised $ 12.25 billion from an investor who has not been revealed after it canceled its plan for the public through the Newbury Street Companise company for special purposes in December.)
- In April, the numbers greatly helped by New York Monad laboratories Lock the largest Web3 tour of the year until now, and raised $ 225 million in financing led by model
What does it mean
Web3 financing has been unequal since late 2022. Collapse FTX And the total slowdown of the project be struck by the tough web3 encryption aspects.
It seems logical that the same part is about to see a great height. Curry lovers rejoiced in November as a former president Donald Trump He regained the White House-and promised to bring more friendly policies to the federal government.
Only last week, Trump has signed an executive matter related to digital assets, among many things, looking at the possibility of building a reserve of national digital assets and creating a working group between agencies to consider formulating the regulatory framework of digital assets.
The encryption market has emerged after the elections and Bitcoin is still more than $ 100,000. In late November, second president Gary GinsnerWho followed a strict approach to implementation towards encryption, he said he would resign.
However, while Crypto fans celebrate what they think is a revolutionary asset revolution, adventurous capital has moved more slowly, as the numbers were raised. Although it is important to remember that the elections occurred in November, and as the holiday season approaches, it may be difficult to complete many big deals.
In addition, cryptocurrencies and digital assets are only one category of Web3’s ecosystem. Startups that develop and finish the different -layer applications, protocols and technologies – so even if VCS is heading strongly on the financing of encryption in the next few quarters, web3 numbers may not be high as one might think.
Regardless, 2025 should be interesting to Web3 due to what appears to be an euphoria. Whether this euphoria means only the higher project numbers will tell them.
For Web3 financing numbers, we analyze the investments that are blocked in VC startups in the Cryptocurrency and Blockchain.
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