Potential bearish signals as Hecla Mining insiders dump shares

And last year a lot Hekla Mining Company (New York Stock Exchange: Is) Insiders sold a significant stake in the company, which may have caught the attention of shareholders. Knowing whether insiders have been buying is usually more useful when evaluating insider transactions, as insider selling can have different interpretations. However, when multiple insiders sell shares over a specific period, shareholders should pay attention as this could be a red flag.
Although we would never suggest that investors base their decisions solely on what a company’s managers do, we consider it foolish to completely ignore insider transactions.
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Hecla Mining internal transactions over the past year
In the last twelve months, the largest single sale by an insider was when VP of Exploration, Kurt Allen, sold US$735,000 worth of shares at US$6.77 per share. We generally don’t like to see insider selling, but the lower the selling price, the more concerned we become. The bright side is that this sale occurred above the last price ($4.91 USD). So it is difficult to draw any strong conclusion from it.
In total, Hecla Mining insiders sold more than they bought over the last year. You can see insider transactions (by companies and individuals) over the past year as shown in the chart below. By clicking on the chart below, you can see the exact details of each insider transaction!
If you like to buy stocks that insiders are buying, rather than selling, you might like this free List of companies. (Hint: most of them fly under the radar.)
Are Hecla Mining Insiders Buying or Selling?
Vice President and Chief Operating Officer Carlos Aguiar bought shares worth only $33.8 at the time. That’s not much at all. Overall, we don’t think these recent deals are particularly advantageous, one way or another.
Insider ownership of Hecla Mining
Another way to test the alignment between company leaders and other shareholders is to look at how many shares they own. High insider ownership often makes company leadership more aware of shareholder interests. Insiders own 1.0% of Hecla Mining shares, worth about US$30m. While this is a strong but not outstanding level of insider ownership, it is enough to indicate some alignment between management and small shareholders.
So, what do the Hecla Mining Insider transactions indicate?
Our data shows little insider buying, but no selling, in the last three months. However, the purchases were not large. We don’t take much encouragement from transactions being done by Hecla Mining insiders. But we like the fact that insiders own a fair bit of the company. In addition to knowing what insider transactions are going on, it is useful to identify the risks facing Hecla Mining. While conducting our analysis, we found that Hecla Mining did just that 2 warning signs It would be unwise to ignore these matters.
naturally Hecla Mining may not be the best stock to buy. So you might want to see this free A group of high-quality companies.
For the purposes of this article, insiders are individuals who report their transactions to the relevant regulatory body. We currently only count open market transactions and private dispositions with direct interests, but not derivative transactions or indirect interests.
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