The American authorities are launched by “thousands” of seized Chinese encryption machines: TradingView News

The American customs authorities have begun to launch “thousands” of seized encryption mining equipment, indicating a potential shift in encryption enforcement strategies.
According to Chinese -made encryption devices in entry ports throughout the United States, two executives in the industry.
“Thousands of units have been released,” said Taras Coleic, CEO of Bitcoin Mining Solutions Synteq Digital. “At one point, up to 10,000 units were stuck in different entry ports.”
Colik added that some employees in customs and US border protection (CBP) “did not like bitcoin mining.” They wanted to give the entire sector a headache, which they did well.
Last November, CBP kept some Antminer Asics imports in many ports, including San Francisco and Detroit. Moreover, the Federal Communications Committee (FCC) asked CBP to retain some shipments of ASIC mines in entry ports.
According to informed sources on this issue, both clients do not target other Asic manufacturers such as Microbt or Canaan. Instead, the seizures are dedicated to the Antminer S21 and T21 series of Bitmain, the latest series of ASIC miners from Bitmain.
The Federal Communications Committee in the United States and Border Protection + began seizing bitcoin mining equipment late last year, according to the readings of industry spread last November. – Media Blockspace (Blockspacepod)
Enforcement procedures come at a time when President Donald Trump is moving to impose a tariff on China and several other countries.
Last month, a new report revealed that they contained artificial intelligence chips from now restricted chips, Sophgo.
According to Ethan Vera, Executive Director of Operations in Luxor Technology, the authorities have been said to have indicated the emissions of radio frequencies from machines.
According to Will Foxley from Blockspace, the partial escalation of the Trump administration movement to the beach of many of these sensitive industries around silicone.
In A, he said: “Both bitcoin workers use huge amounts of silicon, making huge amounts of units and importing them to the United States.”
Foxley added that these seizures can prevent American mining companies from expanding their ASics chips and limiting the growth of Bitcoin.
Moreover, President Trump pledged to support the US -based bitcoin miners, which strongly prompted local mining. Last year, it expressed its desire to produce all the remaining bitcoin in the United States, with a focus on the possibility of the country’s energy dominant.