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TESOS ‘L2 Etherlink sets Calipso award on Mainnet

TESOS 'L2 Etherlink sets Calipso award on Mainnet

Etherlink has arranged its third upgrade of protocol, Calipso, on Mainnet to bring mass enhanced performance to the TESOS LOIER 2 network.

Etherum Virtual Machni Machni Machation 2 The solution was built on the TEESOM (Ktz) He announced that the reward of Calipso live on Market 12. March, and several weeks after it is compatible with EVM compatible on the test.

The road to Mainnet included the management of voting Tesos bakers, key ecosystem components working together with TESOS nodes.

After the launch permission, Calipso successfully arranged to make improvements such as improved network speed, resistance and efficiency by developers of decentralized applications. Use also means faster XSTZ withdrawal with Etherlink in TESOS.

Etherlinks Non-Guard platform, which drives the Texos Smart Rollup technology, allows integration without friction without friction and supports the Etherum Ecosystem Smart such as wallet and indices. With its latest upgrade, it will live on Mainet, its effect could see up to 30K reinforcements – a significant number in the world of decentralized finances and exchanges.

Calipso also means improving smart contract updates and manage updates. This sets the foundation for improvements in non-detention and distrustful token bridging.

While standing, users can bridge the homet’s thesis token thesis from the layer chain 1 to Etherlink and back. Bridging the KSTZ from Etherlink in the L1 Tesoos, and at the same time, bridging XTZ from the layer chain 1 to the Etherlink network is called the deposit. In both cases, KSTZ is the original token on both chains.

“Moving the TEZ from Etherlink in Tesos L1 can currently feel like waiting in traffic. Calipso introduces a new contract contract, which sets the foundations for much faster withdrawal,” TESOS said In February in front of this Mainnet rollover.

Etherlink was in 2023. And Beta 2024. introduced in the beginning of 2024. year, with key milestones, including the integration of Oracle Chening Feed, the Laierzeroa bridge and a decentralized sequence.

Meanwhile, the TESOS recently distributed its 17. Upgrading with Quebec activationWhich has been introduced by faster transactions, it rolled an improved mechanics for putting and strengthened tokens.

2025-03-12 21:41:00

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