IRAN NEWS: Chain Exhibition Exhibition Report on crypto on crypto in the middle of an economic collapse

19. February 2025. – The new Blocchain Analytics Car Rockylis report has revealed an increasing dependence of the Iranian cryptotocurrency to oppose US sanctions, such as a leafet capital from the country removed unseen levels.
Report, titled “Iranians stop in the cripto In the middle of geopolitical tension; International shares of the action disrupt Russian war machine “, It is noted that the Iranian crippouts of cryptocurlency reached 4.18 billion dollars in 2024. Year, marking 70% increase compared to the previous year. This transmission is initiated by growing distrust in government, collapse of the national currency and intensified Western sanctions. As the economic pressure carriers, ordinary Iranians turned the cross-cords as a financial life line to preserve their wealth and will bypass financial control of the impossible government.
Mode Financial shooting and summer growth of capital
The Iranian regime maintains extensive control over the country’s financial system, including cryptocurnancy infrastructure. This was obvious in December 2024. years, when the authorities suddenly stopped withdrawal from Iranian exchange after the record of Iranian Riya (IRR). The ability of the regimen to freeze transactions will emphasize their despair Prevent capital flight– Growing concerns as inflation floats between 40-50%, and the riions continues the spiral down.
Since we withdrew us from a common comprehensive acting plan (JCPOA) in 2018. years and reimelated mutilated sanctions with Iranian oil exports, the country’s currency lost 90% of its value. This decline has accelerated in 2023. and 2024, especially after geopolitical escalations involving Iran, Israel and Western allies. The report reveals that Iranian crypto is underpressure in direct response to geopolitical crises, a reflecting pattern in which individuals and companies are to be able to cross funds that can be transferred to the coast in the middle of insecurity.
In 2024. The sanctioned subjects received 15.8 billion dollars in the CRIPTO, ~ 39% of the total illegal TXN. In our most recent crime report, we investigate:
⚬ Russian Big Cripto moves
⚬ How Iranians move capital over the crypto
⚬ Answer us + allies
⚬ Conformity progress– Charanalis (@chainaliza) 19. February 2025
The role of Tehran in illicit finance and cryptoms of sanctions
While the ordinary Iranians rely more and more on the CRIPTO for financial survival, Iranian regime used digital assets to maintain its state illegal activities, including terrorism financing and evasion of sanctions and sanctions. Islamic Revolutionary Governor (IRGC) and associate networks They used creptocurrency for a long time As a solution to avoid American and European financial restrictions.
The chain report underlines that only 2024. year, sanctioned jurisdictions received 15.8 billion dollars of cryptocurnancy, which is 39% of all illegal crypto transactions at the global level. Iranian entities and actors who support the state play a significant role in these transactions, using a cropto for financing attorneys such as Hezbollah, Hamas, Hamas and Houthi insurgents, as well as facilitate arms smuggling and smuggled weapons.
In December 2024. years, USA Authorities sanctioned Sa’id al-JamalIranian financial facilitator involved in weapons trade, money laundering and illegal dispatch of Iranian oil-all enabled through cryptocurrency transactions. His network network has harmonized funds in the Houthi Militanti in Yemen, further demonstrated Tehran reliance on digital currencies for the maintenance of the regional detability efforts.
# Iran Censor mode #Criptocurrenci
Iranian regime started all cryptocurnent transactions in the country, after the Iranian people regretted that they could not access the CRIPTO exchange such as binance, BlickChain and … / ldnvekkh3– NCRI-FAC (@ iran_polici) 8. July 2018
Geopolitical events that activated the crypto
The analysis from the chain chain reveals that the main geopolitical crises directly hit the oril crypto outflow from Iran. In April 2024. year during the increased tensions between Iran and Israel, Bitcoin from Iranian exchange, because citizens had hurried to cross property from the country. Similar spikes were observed in September and October 2024, aligning with key military escalations.
This supports this Google Trends This supports, showing global spikes in interest in “Iran Israel” 14. and 1. October, 2024, matching significant capital movements on Blockoinin.
Failed regimen control crypts and global conformity efforts
Although Iran tried to regulate and control the use of cryptocurrency, the regime did not prevent mass capital flight. In an effort to restrain financial losses, authorities imposed Heavy restrictions on crypto Withdrawals at the end of 2024. years, but such measures have been encouraged only distrust in distrustful and alternative financial routes.
In the meantime, efforts on global executive implementation targeted Iranian illegal CRIPTO transactions. Conformity measures by the main international exchange reduced Iranian CRIPTO exposure by 23% between 2022. and 2024. years, BlocCchain monitoring tools were enabled by financial institutions to accompany the flags of iraneous transactions, additional tightening for Sending on Tehran digital finances.
The city of Bitcoin Iranian regimens causes to darken, worsens the risks of coronavirus# Iran # Korona virus # Economy
– NCRI-FAC (@ iran_polici) 26. May 2021
US returns “maximum pressure” in Iran
In February 2025. year, the US administration reblogged National Security Presidential Memorandum (NSPM-2), typing execution against Iranian financial networks. Directive mandate aggressive measures, including:
- Funds for Iranian financial and logistics networks
- Confiscation of illegal Iranian oil loads
- Confiscation of Iranian state property abroad
- Indictment and prosecution of terrorist groups leaders
- Improved Cyber tools for disorder for Iranian espionage and sanctions evasion tactics evasion
These measures are expected to further limit Tehran financial maneuvering, probably intensifying his reliance on cryptocurrency.
Larger image: Nation on the edge
The chain color report painted a great picture of Iran’s economic fall and public disappointment. While Iranian regime uses cripto To circumvent sanctions and funded illegal activities, ordinary citizens are converted to the necessity of digital property, because their national economy falls apart under government, corruption and international isolation.
With flying inflation, Rial who collapses and tighten sanctions, the Iranian future remains uncertain. As more Iranians are resorted to cryptocurrencens as a escape route, the battle between state repression and financial autonomy is set to intensify in the coming months.
(Tagstotranslate) Iran Sanctions (T) Iran Economics
2025-02-21 16:15:00