Pierre Rochard’s platform rebellion explains why there will be no “better bitcoin”

Mar. 11. Marta 2025, Washington, DC, Video is the gathering of enthusiasts of the top Bitcoin organized by the Bitcoin Institute.
Michael Sailor gave a strong speech about Bitcoin in America. In K, video speech caused a discussion of the need for “Better Bitcoin”. Pijelon Rochard in a mess joined the discussion and gave her views about why there could be no better Bitcoin.
The debate began after the sub-schasters, entrepreneurs and an angel investor, Jason Calacanis, replied to Video Michael Souror. The speech proposed that the United States, as superpower, must dominate the cyber space not to lose their status. Sailor explained why Bitcoin was important and why America should possess a huge part of it.
Calacanis crossed the video, adding that Sailor damages the brand and Ecosystem Bitcoin via constant pump techniques and high risk accumulation techniques. According to Kalakanis, there is “too much centralization, too much hyperbole and too much conflict”. He concluded that Sailor sets the stage perfectly to start the “Better Bitcoin”.
Of course, the comment did not notice Bitcoin Makis. They said that the launch of “Better Bitcoin” is impossible, suggests that Calacanis simply does not understand Bitcoin properly. For example, Matti Ice Consensus Pro replied not to “play network effects, security, decentralization, the story of origin, etc.” He explained that the belt ownership of the huge part of Bitcoin did not make it centralized.
Enter Pierre Rochard
Pierre Rochard, Riot Platform, Inc. Research VP, gave A detailed response to Kalakanis concerns. He started that it was saying that decentralization was inherent in Bitcoin’s design and evidence of work and distribution of knots around the world more than the accumulation of bitcoin in the hands of one person. The property of a large amount of BTC does not provide power to take advantage of the network. Rochard reminded us of the rules with consensus, saying that “even a high profile advocate or one large bearer succumb to the same validity and consensus processes as all other users.”
According to Rohard, Sailor’s activity is less important for the value of Bitcoin from an envisible schedule of issuing, global accessibility, security and communities of decentralized node operators. No matter how aggressive pumping one influence, all parties involved will be treated equally, and no person or institution may have privileges. To confirm his point, Rochard says Bitcoin survived a number of serious earthquakes like huge exchange, market instability, protocol disagreements, etc. None of them affected their business.
Rochard did not expressly say that “Better Bitcoin” was impossible. Instead, he stated that the creation of such is not likely. The creation of “better bitcoin” will require the challenging historical role of Bitcoin and its dominant position in terms of liquidity, long-term security and other characteristics. He noted that existing AltCOins and tokens have long-lasting vulnerabilities, while all attempts to mimic Bitcoin’s infrastructure were not failed.
In conclusion, Rohard reiterated that independent verification, decentralization and permits, regardless of nature, always played a more important role in Bitcoin from cataclysms or credentials of any influence. “Protocol core properties – Safe, allowed without any verified – ensure that the basic promise of bitcoin is not endangered.”
The KS user under Monitor “Chad” was trying to strengthen criticism against Bitcoin, saying that people like Kailogo damage the brand, a distorted market and the threatening ethos “, however, these concerns were rejected by leash at Nahah.
The Detailed Rochard’s excursion was effectively completed by the discussion. It is interesting that Calacanis did not answer Rochard.
What did Rochard say in her speech?
Pierre Rochard himself participated in Washington, DC, event, providing a speech that aims to prove that Bitcoin is better gold. The things he said in his remarks add some points to the discussion of Bitcoin’s characteristics.
Rochard built his speech about the doubt whether the gold Fort Knox was still there. He claimed that the latest revision that happened 50 years ago, as was a real audit, as it was just a senator who looked at what was visually identified as gold and decided that everything was fine.
Rochard estimates that Fort Knox of 425 billion dollars is gold and hopes to take a proper revision of the involvement of Ivents, sonograms and other procedures that will confirm the purity of gold in Fort Knok. The procedures are expansive and require many expertise.
He continued, saying that even if all gold in Fort Knok was real, we cannot assess how much there is a total offer in the world. Once gold can be revealed outside the country. This is not the case when we talk about Bitcoin. The purity of bitcoin is each person verified with any connected device. The task of calculating the total supply share in any quantity of BTC is simple. Bitcoin revision is simple. Safe storage and transport Bitcoin is much easier and cheaper than safe storage and transport of gold.
In general, Rochard’s notes resort many things said earlier with the furnace and other Pronounces Bitcoin. All are pushed on the more aggressive BTC purchase policy. In his speech, Sailor mentioned that until 2035. The 199% of the total BTC offer minirates, and now they must strengthen its leadership in Bitcoin at that time.
2025-03-13 20:27:00