Cripto Exchange Bibit says it was hacked and lost about $ 1.4

Cripto Exchange Bibit announced On Friday that “sophisticated attack” led to the stealing Ethers (ET) from one of the companies offline offline.
The Executive Director and co-founder Bibita Ben Zhou said that it was in the benefits that hackers stole around 401,3446 Eth, which is about $ 1.4 billion in time.
And the Cripto Security Firm Elliptić, as well as a researcher for security cropto ZachkbtThe total amount of ETE was worth about $ 1.4 billion, which is the biggest known stealing crypto in history. The previous highest crypto breach was hacks against Ronin Network and Police networkresulted in a loss of $ 624 million and $ 611 million, or toward Data collected by the RectorA site that follows the Web3 and crypto violation.
“In fact, it may even be the largest theft of all time” Tom Robinson, Ellyptic’s co-founder and the main scientist told Techcrunch, referring to any kind of steal, not just a data misdemeanor.
Before a violation of Ibibit, withdrawal of about $ 1 billion of the central bank of Iraq, it is said that the biggest robbery bank is all time, according to FINANCIAL NEWS WORLD FINANCE.
Zhou wrote on x If the hacker “took control of” one of the company’s cold wallet, referring to a digital wallet that stores cryptocurstiness, but in theory is not connected to the Internet and transferred funds to the “hot” wallet online.
When it comes to comment, the Bobit Toni spokesman in the public functions of Zhou. In one post, Zhou wrote that the company “solvent” and “can cover the loss” even if it cannot recover stolen funds.
Bibit, which is based in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, had an estimated total property of $ 16 billion from last week, According to coinmarketcap.
To put things in perspective, in each 2024. years, the total amount of cryptoa stolen by hackers was about $ 2.2 billion, According to Chip Charanisizi to track Blockcain. And, 2023. years, that was about $ 2 billion, According to several processes.
(TagstotRanslate) Bibit,675
2025-02-21 21:00:00