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It finally happens! After years of mining and expectation, the open Mainnet of the PI is officially direct, and the rule can now transfer their PI metal currencies externally. But here is the real game change, PI is finally inserted into the main encryption exchange, including OKX, Gate.IO, Bitget and CoINDCX. This means real trading, real value and real shot in building your PI wallet.
For those who have been mining PI from the first days, this is the moment they are waiting for. Now, people can buy, sell and trade PI just like any other encrypted currency. Prices fluctuate with the market reaction, but there is one certain thing, PI entered the major championships.
According to the latest data, Coin $ PI is currently trading at $ 1.50 in OKX after Mainnet launch at UTC 8:30 am on February 20. Peter At the time of writing this report.
Readers are warned that the price of the PI is fluctuated and one must be aware of the risks associated with investing in encrypted currencies. The trading volume of PI increased by 250 % in a few minutes launch.
This is not only related to trading, it is a testimony on the arrival of the PI community. Pi Network has officially reached Crypto World EONS after building the world’s largest real user network on a simple mining application.
Also read: Pi Coin Search on Google Sky Rockets in the past 24 hours