Bitcoin price at the end of the bull market? The analyst shows where we are in the course

Given A declining state of the market The last bitcoin price to less than 95,000 dollars, it is not surprising that many believe that the end of the bull market is here. However, the encryption analyst Deny This possibility, and sharing details related to the current position in which the market is located in this bull cycle.
The Bitcoin price has just started
According to Martyplement, an X -Twitter (Twitter) analyst (formerly). Bitcoin Price Rally Since 2023 it has been driven primarily with institutional adoption through Bitcoin etfs spot. This increase in prices also occurred without the help of quantitative mitigation (QE), price cuts, or liquidity injection.
What this means is that although bitcoin has risen over the past year, this is true Taurus Market Not yet. The analyst argues that a real encryption market is expected when the Federal Reserve (Fed) moves to an equal position, which indicates the stopping Quantum tightening (QT) And the beginning of average discounts.
the Federal Reserve It plays an important role in determining the long -term path for bitcoin and other encrypted currencies. Historically, the encryption bull cycles flourished in environments where liquidity is high, interest rates are low, and speculation risks are encouraged.
However, since 2022, the Federal Reserve has stressed the monetary policy strongly to prevent more inflation, increase interest rates and reduce liquidity through QT. Despite these unsuccessful conditions on the market, Bitcoin has seen a historic trend, due to a large extent to Institutional flows to immediate traded investment funds And political changes, including the opening Donald Trump As the new President of the United States (the United States).
in spite of The market is currently in a declining direction, With fears of the possibility of a bear market, the Martypaity emphasizes that the rising market, as altcoins rises alongside Bitcoin, is likely to start when the Federal Reserve moves from QT to QE. The analyst announced that the emerging market did not start at all, with highlighting that the current markets and encryption accidents exist Initial accumulation opportunity For investors.
The broader encryption community urges to start the accumulation of symbols now, when Fear, uncertainty, and doubt (FUD) It still dominates the market and the feeling is negative. Historically, the market decrease periods often precede an increase in the main prices; However, investors still have to keep caution because the market is still volatile and unpredictable.
The analyst says the market is in the bear trap
While Martyplement claims that Bull Run did not even start, the analyst also revealed that the market may be in a Bear trap. For more clarity, the bear trap is a place in the market as the prices of assets decrease rapidly, but they reflect quickly and continue in a stronger upward decorative force. Depending on the low price, the bear trap can easily be confused for a Bear market.
The analyst warned investors not to fall into the bear trap in this market, which predicts the start of the full rise market when the Federal Reserve rates decrease. It highlights that a critical moment to search for it was on March 19, when Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) It will offer updates on US economic expectations and potential price discounts.
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