Spend a night abroad with New York residents and is about to become very rich.

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A man who is restricted stool inside the front door PUBKEY keyAnd it is a bar with Bitcoin in the village of Greenwich in Manhattan, I asked for my identity. I reached my wallet. But hey, it turned out that he did not actually open the door. He told me laughing: “We are just trying to attract people.” Malagian joke, sir!
Hence, I went to the background of the pub to attend a discussion session entitled “Dependence on Metal Currencies: Concepts of a Plan for Bitcoin Adoption at the National State level.” “How things changed,” read the event page online. “The ideas that were mocked by critics and commentators just a few weeks ago, are now on the table.”
It is time to determine what the cryptocurrency community wants exactly from the Trump administration at the level of politics, and a few dozen people have gathered to listen to a possible panel discussion of four people Legislative achievements that can determine Trump 2.0. The beginning was annoying, as expected, but the money buys this right, even digital money.
The 2024 elections were the elections of encrypted currencies, not because of the presence of widespread popular support for encrypted currencies, but because the “industry” drew generously to achieve this. A small handful of the whales of the Gaza Strip has been raised Amazing 238 million dollars To influence the field of 2024, which is largely the largest amount of corporate money in any industry. Most of them went to the major political action committees, which spent more than $ 100 million on races throughout the country. The sector started Other $ 17 million To pressure the members of Congress already elected. One PAC has already lifted the cryptocurrency, Fairshake More than 100 million dollars To influence the 2026 elections as well.
Some of these funds were distributed, similar to the two parties, but most of them went to the Republicans, and a lot went to Trump. (His campaign started Accept donations in cryptocurrencies Last May.) Technology billionaires, including Winkelvosz and Mark Anderson Millions in the Trump campaign cabinets, declaring that the Biden administration was so In a state of war with encryption. They bought Trump greatly at the height of his obsession with the sliding path, at a time when the weak Biden seemed to be hopeless. But it has not yet withdrawn. Then, Kamala Harris, riding a wave of good feelings and strong opinion polls before her sharp drop after the conference. For several months, it seemed to be stupid money.
But if we teach us the twenty -first century anything, it is that stupid money is often a matter of time. In the end, the cryptocurrencies got their leg. Now it’s time to collect.
In late July, Trump has allocated time to deliver a major speech at the Bitcoin Conference in Nashville, Tennessee. There, he promised to make the United States “the capital of encrypted currencies on the planet”, the establishment of a “strategic reserve for bitcoin”, the establishment of an advisory council for cryptocurrencies, and the dismissal of the head of the Securities Committee and the annoying stock exchange. Gary Ginsner On the first day.
“From now on, the rules will be written by the people who love your manufacture, and they do not hate it,” said the president, who said – much before – that “the value of Bitcoin is very volatile and is based on nothing.”
The financial world is eagerly awaiting to see how that happens handsome It will be taking. At the very least, it seems certain that the industry will witness what is coming Fit21 Reviving the draft law; This is the preferred “organizational” criterion for the encrypted currency industry, which allows it to enjoy the minimum supervision of the Securities and Stock Exchange, which has stopped yet He passed in the House of Representatives last year. The encryption council after the first week existing. Maybe the next is the strategic reserve? (El Salvador has 5,969 bitcoin currencies worth about $ 625 million. As for Syria, it owns it We are talking about embracing Bitcoin. This type of things is currently the prosperity of failed and failed countries. Why not lined with the United States for that?)
The committee was in the bar, consisting of four eggs – it’s America Trump, you cannot criticize this anymore! There was a circulation, in front of the enthusiasts, about the best political scenarios. Among the speakers were David Zell, the co -founder of the Bitcoin Policy Institute, supporting Bitcoin, and Droud Armstrong, President and Executive Officer of Catidra Bitcoin, a Bitcoin Mining Company. There was also the writer of the Bitcoin magazine “Shinobi”, who was wearing glasses, mask and hat written on it “100 thousand”, which is less than the cost of Bitcoin now, unless it has declined again by the time you read this.
The committee discussed three visions to make the United States government bearing cryptocurrencies, a confirmed step to increase the value of Bitcoin.
The first is the concept of the Bitcoin Strategic Fund, which the committee’s participants explained that it was a serious proposal that started as a “trivial location”. It is very simple: the government will purchase and keep a bitcoin group. If you are thinking, Hey, wait again, if urging the government to buy these digital assets, whose benefit is still largely unclear, it seems largely like a plan to raise the price and evaluation of the currency for all the people who already own it – allowing them to do so to spend the money while the government is stuck in A digital ornament seems to have no benefit anymoreSo … you may not have any bitcoin. There was no clear concern about the low value of their coins, in any case.
Senate Lomes, a Senate member of Wyoming, has already a draft law that obliges the United States government to purchase a million Bitcoin for five years. The cost of each is $ 100,000. Where will this money come from heaven? Well, Zeel explained that the Lomes office believes that the government has enough money if it sold or borrowed for (or was involved in another way in some accounting tricks with) its stocks of gold, thus generating the money needed to buy that quantity.
If the government can collect these revenues, then why not spend it on anything else? “If we are selling gold, we can use it to keep the Bonzi Social Security Planning for a longer period,” Zell suggested, pointing to a possible setback in that strategy. It doesn’t matter.
The second option is what Trump pledged: took all the coins that the United States government seized while dismantling the drug gang on the Internet, the Silk Road and the illegal Pitfinix Stock Exchange, and put it in a box, then finish the matter. It is ultimately an exercise on the brand. Will this do anything? Perhaps not, but it will give government support permit, and thus makes cryptocurrencies look more legitimate.
The third matter will be an executive order, which Trump has already proven skill, to create a exchange stability fund in the Ministry of Treasury, which would allow it to buy, sell and keep the bitcoin as if it were a foreign currency. But this also put forward some legal and technical challenges, which, to be honest, cannot pretend that I fully understood.
I was trying to be serious about this, and seriously try to understand the logical basis for the United States entering the Bitcoin. But there was a lot of excessive technical language. There were exclusives about “glossy” and “protocol”. There were jokes that were not liked at all. (Armstrong said, laughing, “I don’t think the United States government will buy severely on Coinbase.”
But the only certain thing is that everyone will become very wealthy. “We are very excited because Trump will pump our bags to the Kingdom,” one of the attendees warned during the period of questions and answers, which is a judicial matter to take this responsibility seriously.
Everyone was not agreed on what is that responsibility, or whether it falls on the country or the coin. Zel said the US government He should Buying bitcoin; Shinobi differed.
There was consensus on certain things. The first is that the federal deficit was out of control, and it needs to be reduced. There were some suggestions that the federal government could purchase a bitcoin group, let it rise, then sell it to pay the debt. Shinobi, who was against strategic reserve purchases, said that the deficit was so great that the country was basically a losing issue.
In the event of competition between the great powers with China or Russia, some believe that it will be useful for the United States to have Bitcoin, only because this means that China or Russia’s possession of bitcoin will be less. The resources have always been a good policy. Also, the infrastructure spending may be good.
Reducing the deficit, preparing for war, hoarding resources and wealth. If we exclude the technical language, we will find that these are some of the oldest and most traditional conservative slogans. Reading recommendations were submitted. The booklet published by the Kato Institute, which was founded by Koch.
In this, it did not seem that the room was planning for the future of the nation -state, but rather to perpetuate the Republican Party.
certainlyMaybe you think, This painting was an exercise on the assumptions. These are not the people who care about cryptocurrencies and listen to the president. But in reality, the distance between the institutions of thought and opinion on bitcoin, the media of the bitcoin, and the strong pressure device for bitcoin is not very large. Zell encouraged those present to contact the Lomes office and speak directly with her employees. This was supported by Coinbase CEO, Brian Armstrong, and he is now one of the most amazing faces in Washington A plan that calls on all governments to keep bitcoin Just one day after I attend the committee. So, this is what the rooms full of smoke and elites that make high -level political decisions for the rest of the country look like. (It is e -cigarette smoke, to be clear).
Immediately before the inauguration, the Republican President launched a coin called Trump and raised a wealth of billions, which doubled his fortune four times in one day. Then the first lady did the same thing in Melania dollars. The leader of the world’s first empire is involved in a rapid wealth scheme that would be ashamed of the non -commercial merchants late at night.
Was Bitcoin to “topple the government”, as stated in the CV of the X program, or was it found to reinforce a strong American empire? Shinobi said that there is some risk that the enthusiasts have lost the original plan to make the world better. How would Bitcoin do that? Unfortunately, this was not a topic to discuss.
Zell concluded, “It is wise to own Bitcoin.”
I listened while a woman and a man speaking a little on my left. Bitcoin accepts the bitcoin as a means of payment, which was the man who was excited to inform it. “You can use bitcoin!” He said. “Did you use bitcoin?”
She looked confused. She said, “I just ate water.” He answered.
2025-01-27 13:40:00