On January 30, 2025, many encrypted effects were celebrated with a single mine that managed to solve a mass and hold the entire reward from 3.146 BTC for themselves. However, it turned out that the fragmentation of the individual mining factor was donated by 300 members of the Foundation for the Foundation of 256.
He wrote many accounts x and at least one news port on a “lucky” Single mine who won the most complete mining bonus for more than 3.1 BTC. The Bitcoin historian account claimed that X is that the $ 400 miners were able to solve a bonus of $ 330,000.
Later, it was revealed that the “solo” individual “solo” used the collected retail from more than 300 mines. This retail was donated to the 10 -hour event, which was the first annual donation campaign that was launched at all 256 institutionsNon -profit organization with an unusual task is to make bitcoin mining and bitcoin in general easier and simplicity for people.
Why is the mass resolved by a single solo rotate?
Again a day, it was possible to allocate hundreds of bitcoin currencies using a usual computer, and some of them did this out of curiosity or because they were intelligence technology enough to achieve Bitcoin’s potential when they cost these coins.
It is saidBy the end of 2009, there have been less than a hundred Bitcoin miners who bored about 2.5 million bitcoin in the lowest difficulty, which increased 90 trillion times since. In those days, the 50 BTC mining bonus per block (vs. 3.125 BTC as of today), and mining required nothing but any newly new computer at the time. It can be a regular laptop without a luxury graphics processing unit.
In 2011, Bitcoins did not cost much while the price was volatile. To understand how the BTC Minist value, you can look at the famous list of the competitors now in the Starcraft 2 GAMING in 2011. The award fund of $ 1,000 was distributed among the four best teams, while the fifth (worst) received one about 25 BTC As Booby Award.
When the BTC value began to rise, the difficulty of mining began to take off. despite Protests from Satoshi NakamotoMiners began to use graphics processing units early in the fall of 2010. The affordable opportunity began to remove Bitcoins from the laptop in fading. Participation in mining gatherings has become a treatment for those who still want to win some bitcoins by mining. Participants in the Mining Group contribute to their retail power in the total assembly gatherings, who can solve blocs. The reward is divided between the participants.
Things intensified in 2013 when the integrated circles of the application entered, which are the high -end devices that are manufactured to Bitcoins, the game. On the industrial level, companies fill the factories with long ranks of ASics, and do the only thing to give up new bitcoin coins. Acex is very noisy and difficult to maintain, so it is not something you will use at home.
Selling bitcoins that are mined soon became necessary to cover mining costs. Miners do not sell their bitcoin currencies New direction Among the Trump era in which Bitcoin witnessed new blossoms amid the promises of encryption regulations and the BTC price vehicle that crosses the mark of $ 100,000. Before, miners had to sell BTC to stay on his feet.
Given the high difficulty, mining across the pool requires expensive mining devices. Some mining bathrooms Officials For most retail in Bitcoin, which means that a single factor must be really lucky to solve the mass before this mining pools do so. On the one hand, the amazing difficulty rates of the network are saved from poorly organized, badly organized actors (all lovers of good desire are also banned). On the other hand, it creates a position when a few organizations verify the validity of all transactions, and we can only hope that none of them have sick intentions.
Given the fact that the single bitcoin mining is not part of the prevailing narration in the encryption community, the news about the mass that was solved by a single individual factor surprises people.
256 institutions: prepared bitcoin to people
The Foundation was created in February 2024. Its goal is to “dismantle the Empire of Royal Mining” and “make Bitcoin and freedom of technology available to all.”
256 Foundations are busy educating people about Bitcoin so that it is easier for anyone to deal with, use, improve or compensate. To make Bitcoin easier, 256 Foundation develops and distributes free and open source programs for mining. Giving its users is the freedom to do the program all they want is one of the basic principles of the 256th Foundation, so that they can share, promote, use, or even sell solutions provided by 256 Foundation.
On January 30, the Foundation held the first fundraising campaign. At a 10 -hour event, more than 350 entities were mining in the foundation group 256. The retail contributed to a single individual factor, which replaced the mass at a rate of about 881 pH/s. Thus, the basic community raised 256 3.146 BTC.
The entities participating in the mining event for donation were used to use Futurebit Apollo devices. These devices were created as an opposition to mining centralization. Two individual actions are allowed to solve the blocks again. The message behind the Foundation and Futurebit Foundation is that mining More at reasonable prices From large gatherings and companies you want to know. They encourage people to try bitcoin mining and see that it is not impossible for people to follow their advice. Futurebit founder sees it as David and Goliath, and despite the lucky snapshot, Goliath is in its full power.