Finance News

Six Swiss exchange welcomes the distinctive messages of ETP encryption

Today, six NXTASSETS GMBH welcomed the most recent source of traded products on the stock exchange (ETPS) with cryptocurrency blocks.

NXTassets GmbH recounts two new products, one on Bitcoin and one on Ethereum. With this launch, NXTassets GmbH becomes the eighteenth source of Crypto etps on six, up to the total number of encryption products listed to 398.

Both the new ETPS and the fully supported institutional and special investors, organized to reach Bitcoin and Ethereum, which represents the last NXTASTETS ​​GMBH expansion in the area of ​​digital assets. The encryption support ensures accurate prices and enables investors to transfer their holdings to personal portfolios at any time. This launch addresses the increasing demand for encryption, as it meets the needs of investors looking for a direct investment in popular cryptocurrencies.

In addition, the Bank Vontobel takes the market for the first time in this sector, which enhances liquidity and trading efficiency of this ETPS.

Dirk Hess, Managing Director, NXTASSETS GMBH said,

“We are excited to join Six Swiss Exchange as a new source of Crypto ETPS. Our new products provide direct and safely to Bitcoin and Ethereum, and ensure accurate tracking of price movements and the ability to transfer personal holdings.

Daniel Rishuk, Victorious ETFS & ETPS, adds at the sixth:

“We are pleased to welcome NXTassets GmbH as a new source of two ETPS with basic encrypted assets. From effective inclusion to a strong trading platform to a smooth settlement, including high -quality financial information, in addition, our reference goal is to expand the Ascations from ASCations to invest in Ascations Ascations Assanss Ascations The Assivations Assantation is a stable and accessible environment for encryption investments.

NXTassets GmbH facilitates simple and safe investments in encrypted currencies, similar to the ease of purchasing stocks through a bank or medium. The 100 % backed ETPS ETPS is stored in Germany. With the support of Swiss banks Vontobel and Bergos, interactive brokers control, the Deutsche Börse group, Börsenmedien AG, and Nxtassets GmbH Merging traditional financial experience and investor protection with the encrypted currency sector. NXTassets GmbH provides transparent access to digital assets like Bitcoin and Ethereum.

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