Reddit co-founder joined offering to buy ticktok and bring it in the chain

Alexis Ohanian, co-founder Reddit, confirmed that it was among those who want to procure the ticktops of the American surgery.
If the offer to purchase American business with short forms of video platform succeeds, Ohanian says it is a goal to bring it to the chain.
Reddit co-founder noticed that after Reuts export To join the offer of Frank McCourt to redeem the tiktok of the United States, prominent individuals in social media technology and through silicon valley, will work with McCourt and a freedom project as a strategic adviser.
“Tiktok was a gift game for creators, and that’s the future, he needs to build them,” Ohio added.
Ohandian remarks on KS follow McCourt’s comments that welcomes Reddit co-founder as part of the offer. He is an experienced individual whose entrance could be important in the offer to take on tiktok’s assets in the US, McCourt said.
What is most important, Ohanian understands the social media space and “where it develops.”
The vision of the Project Freedom Vision for tiktok now includes integrating blocks technology, giving users greater control over their data, use and division.
Commenting this and how Ohanian could help, McCourt noticed:
“Where it can help confirm, but also socializing that it has very sophisticated technology in the core and thus dealing with the validity of that technology and how it works and why it is necessary and why it is necessary.”
The tiktok is owned by bylaws, Chinese Internet companies. The application briefly drowned in American app stores after the ban entered into force, with Apple and Google who left it after the President Donald Trump intervention. Merchants in the prediction markets see Chances of ban as a higher.
Ohanin’s investment portfolio includes InstaCart, Pateron and Openea.
2025-03-04 23:34:00