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Public Affairs Office BARANTEKS CRIPTOCURRENCI Branchare Treamped in international work


Two administrators accused of managing multilayer dollar services for money laundering for money

Today, the Department for Justice has announced coordinated action with Germany and Finnish to disrupt the internet infrastructure used for guarantee management, criptocurrency exchanges, which allegedly facilitated money laundering by transnative criminal organizations – including violations of laws and sanctions. Since April 2019. year, the guarantor has processed at least $ 96 billion in cryptocurrency transactions.


In combination with surgery, the target guarantor also announced that he announced the indictment in the Eastern Virginia District against Alexei National and Russian inhabitants and Aleksandra Serda (previously Aleksandr Ntifo-Siav), 40, Russian national and united Arab Emirates. Mira Serda and Beshiokov were charged with money laundering, and Bešnikov was charged with conspiracies to violate sanctions and conspiracies to do unlicensed money that transmit money.

According to court documents, between 2019 and 2025. years, Bešnikov and Mira Serda controlled and managed by the guarantee. Bešnikov was a primary technical administrator guarantor and responsible for obtaining and maintaining a critical infrastructure guarantor, as well as review and approval of transactions. Mira Serda was a guarantee co-founder and the main commercial officer.

The guarant recieved hundreds of millions in criminal proceedings and was used to facilitate various crimes, including hacking, ransom, terrorism and drug trade, often with significant influence on American victims. According to the indictment, Besnikov and Mira Serda, they knew that criminal serves washing through the guarantor and took steps to cover up the facilitation of illegal activities on their platform. For example, when Russian law enforcement requested records related to the account registered in Mira Serda, guarantex gave incomplete information in response and falsely claimed that the account was not verified. In reality, the guarantee joined the account with personal documents of PERDA, even as it reveals the identification of information related to other accounts required by Russian law enforcement.

5. April 2022. The US Ministry of Finance in the Office of Property (OFAC) sanctioned the guarantor for its role in the easing of money for money from Ransomware actors and markets for Darknet. According to court documents, despite the widespread advertising of sanctions and personal knowledge, Besiokov and its associates violated those sanctions, continuing to deal with entities in the United States. Furthermore, Beshiok’s and his associates redesigned the guarantee’s operations to avoid and violate American sanctions and encourage the American company to unconsciously transactions with a guarantee in violation of sanctions. For example, the guarant has moved its operational cryptocurnence banknotes every day into different virtual addresses of currency to make it difficult for cripptocurrenci for cryptocurrency in the USA to identify and block transactions with guarantor accounts.

Despite significant business in the United States and operates as a money transfer business, the guarant failed to register at the Network for Financial Crimes (Fincen) as needed.

6. Marta, American law enforcement, led by the US Secret Service (USSS), has executed the confiscation of authorized by the Judge in the Eastern Virginia County against the three domain websites used to support guarantex’s support. According to court records, which are clouded,, guarantor.or, and guarantor.academi were associated with the administration and work guarantor. Attacking these domains will prevent these locations from using money and additional crimes. Individuals who visit those locations will now see a message indicating that the location is seized by law enforcement.

As part of coordinated actions, the German and Finnish lawyer took servers who hosted guarantex operations. American Legal authorities have gained earlier copies of the guarantee servers, including customer and accounting databases. In addition, the American law enforcement also froze over $ 26 million in the funds used to facilitate the money laundering activities guarantor.

Bešnikov and Mira Serda are any accused of a number of conspirations for the execution of money laundering, which carries a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison. Bešnikov has also been accused of violating international actions on economic emergencies, which has a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison and with the conspiracy for the work of unlicensed money, which has a maximum sentence of five years in prison.

Matthew R. Supervisory Official Official Galeotti Departments of Justice, American lawyer Erik S. Siebert for the Eastern Virginia County, Assistant Director Michael Centrella of SSSSS Lip Office and Assistant Director Brian Vorndran from the Cyber ​​Sector of FBI has announced the announcement.

The USSS and FBI are investigating the case.

Assistant of the American lawyer Zoe Bedell for the Eastern Virginia District and the Tamara Judicial Prosecutor LIVIZ Computer crime of the Criminal Division and the Department of Cryptocurious Property and the Executive Coverage Team of Criminal Cenita. National security departments for the National Security of Justice and the International Affairs Office provided valuable assistance.

The Department of Justice also recognizes critical cooperation of the German Federal Office for the Criminal Police, the General Prosecutor’s Office of Frankfurt, Dutch National Police, Europol, Finnish National Investigation Bureau and Estonian National Criminal Police.

Finally, the Department Thanks Tether and Blockchain firms Elliptić for its proactive assistance in this investigation.

Any individual who believes that the victim whose funds are prone through guarantor or who can otherwise have otherwise to retain funds for suppressed funds should join law enforcement

The indictment is just an allegation. All defendants assume innocently until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt in court.–press-release.png

2025-03-07 17:20:00

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