President Trump discusses the white bitcoin paper at the White House Flash news details

On March 22, 2025, at 14:35 EST, US President Trump showed the white bitcoin paper at the White House, a move immediately echoed across the encrypted currency markets (Source: @Rovork on Twitter, March 22, 2025). This unexpected event has led to a significant increase in the price of Bitcoin, as BTC/USD jumped from $ 65,000 to $ 70,000 in the first 30 minutes after the announcement (Source: CoinMarketcap, 22 March 2025, 14: 35-15: 05 EST). Bitcoin trading on the main stock exchanges such as Binance and Coinbase has seen a significant increase, increasing from an average of 10,000 BTC per hour to 25000 BTC per hour during the same time frame (Source: Cryptoquant, March 22, 2025, 14: 35-15: 05). The event not only affects bitcoin, but also had a ripple effect on other major encrypted currencies, with ETHEREM (ETH) and Litecoin (LTC), which suffers from 5 % and 7 % gains, respectively, in the same period (Source: Coingecko, March 22, 2025, 14: 35-15: 05). The scales on the series showed an increase in active addresses on the Bitcoin network, increasing from 700,000 to 900,000 per hour for the event (Source: Glassnode, 22 March 2025, 14: 35-15: 35 EST).
The trading effects on President Trump’s work were deep. The sudden increase in bitcoin and trading volume indicated that there are strong upward feelings in the market. Traders who rushed to the reaction to the momentum, as many bitcoin buys $ 65,000 and sold them with a climax of $ 70,000, to achieve a quick profit of about 7.7 % (Source: TradingView, 22 March 2025, 14: 35-15: 05 EST). Bitcoin RSI, which was at 60 before the event, rose to 75 within 30 minutes, indicating excessive conditions at its peak and the possibility of short-term correction (Source: Tradingvief, March 22, 2025, 14: 35-15: 05 EST). Bitcoin’s market value increased by $ 50 billion in the same period, reflecting the large capital flow to the market (Source: Coinmarketcap, March 22, 2025, 14: 35-15: 05 EST). The event also led to a noticeable increase in open interest in the future contracts for bitcoin, as it rose from 100,000 BTC to 120,000 BTC, indicating an increase in speculative benefit (Source: CME Group, 22 March 2025, 14: 35-15: 05 EST).
The technical indicators that follow the event provided more insight into the market dynamics. MacD Betcoin has shown a bullish intersection, with the MacD line crossing the top line at 15:00 USA, indicating the continuation of upward momentum (Source: Tradingvief, March 22, 2025, 15:00 EST). Bollinger’s Bitcoin ranges dramatically, with the upper range from $ 68,000 to $ 72,000, indicating an increase in fluctuation (Source: TradingView, 22 March, 2025, 14: 35-15: 05 EST). The trading volume of BTC/ETC and BTC/LTC pairs also increased, with the BTC/ETC size increased from 500 BTC to 1000 BTC and BTC/LTC increasing from 200 BTC to 400 BTC in the same time frame (Source: Binance, 22, 2025, 14: 35-15: 05 EST). The data on the series revealed that the volume of the Bitcoin transaction increased by 30 %, from 100,000 BTC to 130,000 BTC per hour for the event (Source:, March 22, 2025, 14: 35-15: 35 EST).