Crypto News

Over 400 South Korea officials reveal $ 9.8m in CRIPTO Holdings

South Korea’s ethics revealed that high public officials in the country are on average 35.1 million won ($ 24,000) in crypt.

27. Marta, is allegedly a commission of country ethics for government officials discovered That more than 20% of public officials have 14.4 billion ($ 9.8 million) in crypt. This means 411 out of 2,047 officials who have undergone the requirements for the disclosure of the Earth, hold the crypto funds.

The largest amount was revealed 1.76 billion profits ($ 1.2 million) belonging to Seoul City Buignor Kim Hie-Young.

Officials held a variety of crypto funds including bitcoin (Btc), Ether (El), XRP (XRP), Dogecoin (Exaggerate) Luna Classic (Lunc) and others.