Finance News

One of the two analysts full of riyals is the financial fictional story-The Irish Times

Encryption The bulls are still devoted to faith despite the recent low prices, but one of the investor who is not a fan is Dr. Owen Lamont of Akdian Asset Company.

On his blog, Lamont is in an inverted symbolic movie about the dream of cryptocurrencies, and wrote a story about an orphan boy called Crypto, who starts to find the issue of the use of the legendary princess, and the key to opening the phenomenon Crypto capabilities.

Crypto, whose hidden Satoshi is guided by years in search of the princess, gathered followers and publishing ground stories about a glorious future.

After years of trying, Crypto finally learned why his research was very difficult: everything was because of the Queen Fiat, who hid the princess away from the world in the longest tower of her castle.

A bloody battle that entails this, the encryption finally reaches the tower, just to find … nothing.

“There was no issue of using the princess. There was no.” Crystate “Place his head in his hands and cry.”

Cliff Asense, the billionaire money director, praised Lamont’s analogy, as did the economist in Nobel Richard Thuir (“a nice pound of reading for your children interested in encryption”).

Of course, Lamont is completely mistaken in these sarcastic things of the princess. Crime encryption is used for crime, money laundering and speculation – what do you want more?

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