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MONKEDAO based Solana acquires ZBTC as Bitcoin Reserve

MONKEDAO based Solana acquires ZBTC as Bitcoin Reserve

Monkedao, a project of non-barrel token in the community in Solana, announced that it became the first decentralized autonomous organization adopted by Bitcoin Reserve.

Solana (Salt) -Faced monkedao announced 28. Marta adopted Bitcoin (Btc) Book in your strategy by acquiring Apollo to the Token Zbtc Solana.

The newly recognized ZBTC is a token impressed 1: 1 to Bitcoin and Burn Solana. MONKEDAO IS THE FIRST Gave to adopt a token for his state reserve.

According to the Apollo team, the token offers BTC on the chain – not bridged or wrapped, but impossible. Owners can touch this token to participate in Decentralized funding On Solana, earns the yield on the chain.

MONKEDAO says it additionally adds in the BBTC to its treasury.

1 ZBTC purchased to the strategic reserves of Monk. MRN is the NTF Treasury Strategy to Project that will help community encourage financial sustainability.

It is also a dedication to monkedo’s irresistible ecosystem for Bitcoin definition or BTCFI. The ZBTC provides the owners of Bitcoin the ability to participate in Defial on Solana through loans, lending and agricultural activities.

“SMR is our commitment to long-term growth and adding ZBTC diversification (i) strengthens our current fashion pool”, sent monfied in X.

This strategy is still a strategy, earlier microstratics, level of game, but it illustrates increasing trust in Bitcoin.

Like Peg of 1: 1 with Bitcoin, Apollo says ZBTC uses a distrustful two-way peg for security, which actually achieves SIDECHAIN ​​payment. The token also celebrates in a decentralized validator set to Zeus network.

For your role in BTCFI, Apollo and Zeus networks target “billions value” online. Bitcoin.

The opening of BTC from underused liquidity, with wrought hodels in empty hodels in wallets is a great opportunity for growth and strengthening cases. Zeus Network He confirmed his first bitcoin transaction On Solana in December 2024. years.

2025-03-28 21:16:00

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