Appleton Police see the need to convert the seized crypto for victims of fraud

- Appleton Police testified by increasing cases of fraud that involve cryptocurstity.
- Officials want to open an account for coinbasses to convert the seized crypto in US dollars to pay victims.
- Victims who prefer to get their money back until Cripto will still have that option.
Appleton – Appletone Police asks to open a Coin Account for converting seized cryptocurries in US dollars so that money can return to victims of fraud.
Lieutenant Adam Vanzeeeland said that last year Appleton Police Department He investigated the inflow of criminal offenses of scams involving Bitcoin and other cryptocurries. Detective Mike Medina recently finished the first successful cryptocurious about the seizure in Oudagamie County.
“We are now in stage in which cases are processed and seized cryptocurrency can be released to victims,” Vanzeoweland told the Finance Board. “In most cases, victims are not aware of what cryptocurrency do not have a crypto wallet and have no means of receiving their stolen property in the form of crypto.”
Having an account for Coinbase will enable the police to convert cryptocurrant to US dollars to pay victims. KOINBASE is a public trading company, established in San Francisco, which manages the digital platform for purchase, sales, transfer and storage of cryptocurrency. Has a law enforcement portal.
Vanzeieland said that the confiscated monetary fee would be drawn from the seized money and will be recognized by the signed letter of the victim.
Unless returned to the seizure is returned to the victim, the Konobase account would hold zero balance, Vanzeeeland said. Victims who prefer their money back in cryptocurrency, saved on a USB device, will have that option.
The Finance Committee unanimously approved the opening of the Kaobase Police account. The matter will come to the common Council next week for final approval.
Vanzeeland said Criptocurrenci, first of all Bitcoinis at the forefront of “new times of crime.”
Prepara convince people to go to the Bitcoin ATM to buy thousands of Bitcoin dollars. Then the cheater gave a digital key to Bitcoin.
“Finally, they are cheated on that money,” Vanzeeel said. “These are just huge (quantities), tens of thousands, sometimes hundreds of thousands of dollars.”
Bitcoin ATMs are located through Appletone and fox cities, often in gas stations and convenience stores.
Contact Duke Behnke to 920-993-7176 or Follow him on X, Previous Twitter, At @Dukebehnke.
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2025-02-14 14:05:00