Cryptocurrency stealing of 1.1 billion pounds could be the biggest ever

BBC Business Reporter

Criptocurrenci Firma Bibit said hackers steals 1.5 billion dollars (1.1 billion joints (1.1 billion joints in value in what could be the greatest crypto stealing in history.
The founder of the company based in Dubai told users that their funds were “safe” and if any of them were returned.
They said hackers stole from their digital wallet Etherum Coin. Etherum is the second largest cryptocurca per value after Bitcoin.
The founder of Vibita Ben Zhou said money could cover the firm or credit of the partner. Bibit has $ 20 billion (15bn £) in property.
Bibit said that hackers exploit security functions, and then transferred money to an unidentified address.
After theft, Etherem’s value fell by about 4% on Friday, leaving it worth 2.641.41 (2,090 lbs) per coin.
The stole scale would exceed the previous record, which was £ 620 million (£ 490m) Etherum and the USD carrier from the Ronin network in 2022. Years.
Bibit was founded in 2018. years. American President Donald Trump and former Paipal Peter Thiel’s Chief, allegedly, were among their early investors.
Bibit says there are more than 60 million users around the world and offers access to various cryptures.
“Bibit is a solvent even if this loss of hacks do not recover, all customers’ property are subparagrated 1 to 1, we can cover the loss,” G. Zhou.
The company said In the post to K That it reported that the case was the authorities and that “quickly and extensively worked” to identify hackers.
Cryptocurrencies, which have become popular in investors, caused division as much as many criticize their value for speculation, allowing their value to manipulate easily.
Recently, Donald Trump has been criticized for starting his own digital coin during saying that “does not know much” about cryptocurrency.
The digital coin called Trump appeared on his social media in the accounts, before his inauguration and quickly became one of the most valuable cryptological coins, but has since been significantly fell.
The security concerns in the digital currency market expires, which hoped for re-trust after Mr. Trump started his coin. His advisor and owner of Multi-billionaire Tesla, Elona Musk, also spoke in the Up Bitcoin in the past.
In 2014 year Cripto Exchange MT Gok filed for bankruptcy After 350 million dollars (£ 210 million) is worth a digital currency in value due to a hole in its safety.
In 2019 year hackers He stole Bitcoin worth $ 41 million from the exchange of bynance in another color crypto-currency.
2025-02-22 04:49:00