Burbit completely replace the ether gap of $ 1.4 billion after hacking; I dealt with 6.1 billion dollars in withdrawals – TradingView news

Bybit, the encrypted currency exchange was hacked last Friday, with an external flow of more than $ 6.1 billion during the weekend. However, Exchang CEO has announced that the platform has replaced $ 1.4 billion in the stolen ether in the attack.
According to Defillalama, the total amount of customer assets kept by BYBIT was about $ 16.9 billion, which decreased to $ 10.8 billion until the time of the press. The withdrawal pressure came as the infiltrators were able to drain nearly 70 percent of the stock exchange agents in the attack.
The total closed value and US dollar in Beit; Source: Devillama
Equal reserves guarantee
Ben Zhou, CEO of Ben Zhou, posted on X (previously Twitter) to exchange him “has already closed the ETH gap”, adding that “bybit back back to 100 % 1: 1 on the client’s assets through Merkle Tree”. He also indicated that bybit will soon publish a report on proving references.
ZHou’s confirmation came after the Blockchain Lookonchain Analysis Company estimated that bybit received 446,870 of the ether, at a value of about $ 1.23 billion, which was about 88 percent of the stolen amount, from loans, whale deposits, and purchases.
Among the total, The Hacked Exchange 157,660 of the ether bought about $ 437.8 million, from investment companies in Crypto Galaxy Digital, Falconx and Wintermute through transactions that do not need a prescription. The stock exchange has bought another $ 304 million of the ether from the central and decentralized stock exchanges.
Last update: Bybit has already closed the entire Gap ETH, the new auditor Por report will be published soon to show that bybit back to 100 % 1: 1 on the client’s assets through the Merkle Tree, match. https://t.co/qla1voujm6
The biggest theft of encryption
The BYBIT attack led to the greatest theft of any encryption exchange so far. Analysts on the series linked the attack to the notorious Lazaros Group in North Korea. Bybit has also launched a $ 140 million bonus program to raise threads on the huge electronic attack.
Although the exchange did not publicly define the weakness that led to the attack, its CEO said, “We know that the reason is definitely about the safe cold wallet. Whether it is a problem with our own laptops or on Safe, we do not know.”
Safe is a protocol for the decentralized custody that provides smart contracts portfolios for digital asset management. Some safe exchanges are merged, allowing users to keep their money control while using multiple signature functions to improve their cold wallet safety.
In the aftermath of the BYBIT attack, Safe Safe closed SMART, which increased the stock market fears that were hacked about rising withdrawal requests. However, it is coordinated with safe platforms and other platforms to create a smooth process and honor withdrawals.