Finance News

Hong Kong’s encryption strategy offers new approval to exchange

Hong Kong continues to push her to establish herself as a pioneering center of digital assets, while granting the Securities Committee and Saudi Futures, an exchange of encryption supported by Peter Thil, and organizational approval to work in the city. This brings the total number of virtual asset trading platforms in Hong Kong to ten.

The Securities and Justice Committee confirmed its commitment to the future of the “vibrant and promising” digital assets, which shows the road map that emphasizes organizational clarity, institutional participation and the protection of enhanced investors. These developments were highlighted during the consensus of Hong Kong 2025, when Julia Lyong, CEO of the Securities Committee and futures contracts, spoke about the continuous organizational efforts of the city and the introduction of encryption derivatives and margin lender for professional investors.

Retailing and market development: calculated expansion strategy

In a statement sent to Crypto.News, Judy Lee, head of the Flipster Legal Law, presented an insightful look at Hong KongThe gradual approach to access to Crypto for sale, describing it as “The calculated strategy“To balance the market growth with risk management.

“Hong Kong’s approach to virtual asset regulation reflects a calculated strategy to balance market growth with risk management. By initially allowing access to professional investors only, SFC guaranteed that trading platforms can improve compliance protocols, test stress, operational flexibility, and implement investor protection without exposure For retail participants. […]”

He assured me that this approach also gave SFC time to repeat the compliance and strengthening measures Regulatory control.

Hong Kong competitive feature in the global encryption race

Another major topic in the organizational expansion of Hong Kong is how to compare other global encryption centers, especially in the Asia Pacific region. Jodee Lee referred to Crypto.News that while Hong Kong and Singapore have taken different organizational curricula, their joint focus on organizational clarity collectively enhance Asia’s existence in the global scene of digital assets. He told me:

“The development of virtual asset frameworks throughout the Asia Pacific region represents a great milestone in global financial innovation. While judicial authorities such as Hong Kong and Singapore have both distinct methods, their joint commitment to organizational clarity collectively increases the position of the region […]”

Instead of strengthening zero Competition with SingaporeI highlight how the APAC’s advanced organizational scene contributes to a broader ecosystem that attracts global encryption work.

Traffi Dam and digital assets: nursery and OTC trading

Institutional participation is an important part of seeing the long -term digital assets in Hong Kong. One of the main pillars of this transition is the nursery solutions subject to organizing and trading without a prescription, both of which are gaining momentum in the region.

He also stressed the importance of licensed nursery solutions, describing it as a decisive bridge between traditional financing and the digital asset industry.

“The custody and circulation of OTC are decisive pillars for adopting institutional encryption, and SFC focuses on these areas is its long -term vision of Hong Kong as a global encoding center. L licensed nursery solutions bring encryption to traditional financial standards […]”

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