Moonpay is further pushed into the company with the procurement of the iron stableCoin

Moonpai co-founder and director Ivan Soto-Vright at the Bitcoin 2022 conference in Miami.
CRIPTTO PAYERS GIANT MOONPAI expands its push to the market of iron procurement, the API-first stop infrastructure.
This means another significant acquisition of MoonPay for two months, emphasizing its ambition to dominate the rapidly growing market payment market.
“We think everyone will have a digital currency wallet, whether it is within a bank account or independently. And we build compatibility to the existing financial system,” Moonpai Co-founder and General Manager Ivan Soto-Vright said CNBC “Squavk Hi”.
Already, Moonpai makes people participate in a new crypt’s economy allowing a boat via the most traditional pay rails, including debit cards, bank accounts, paypal, Venmo, Apple Pay and Google To pay.
Now, with iron, Moonpay can offer companies the ability to accept stablecoin payments, unlocking current, low-budget and border transactions.
Soto-Vright compared the acquisition when Paypal Purchased Braintree, which is handling credit card processing for companies Target and processed almost $ 600 billion in the total amount of payment last year.
“This is our moment of Braintree,” Soto-Vright said. “Ionpay’s iron technology position to become a definitive infrastructure provider for Stablecoin solutions.”
Stablecoins are cryptocurrencies related to real world and only 2024. Years, most $ 27 trillion through Stablecone consisted of digital dollars imperceptibly moving unnoticed across the blockade.
Soto-Vright complemented the potential impact of contracts to the transformation seen in telecommunications.
“It was really expensive to put a phone call for a distance, and then you had a skype, and you had all this internet technology to perform communication – the same thing will take place for money, and it is essentially a block.
This year is marked by another great acquisition of Moonpaia, after $ 175 million Buying Helio in January.
Companies throughout financial services Landscape, from the legacy of banks to the payment provider, adopt stableCOINS or researching its own own. StableCoins makes it easier and cheaper crossing between currencies and to digitally transfer money. Standard rent predicted In a recent report that Stablecoins could grow to become about 10% of foreign currency transactions, from 1% today.
Purchase of Moonpay comes a month after Stripe closed his job of $ 1.1 billion To buy another canvas infrastructure called Bridge Network, the biggest agreement and for comics and the CRIPTO ecosystem wider.
The bridge facilitates companies to accept Stablecoin payments without dealing with digital tokens directly. Customers include Coin and Spacex.
Moonpay, which has more than 30 million accounts in 180 countries, was Last estimated at $ 3.4 billion When 2021 he raised his last round of funds in 2021. The company speaks CNBC positive and profitable cash flow and that net income increased by 112% in 2024. years from a year earlier.
“We think it’s a way to pay online to see around the world,” Soto-Vright said. “” If you think about the United States, we were a little behind. Real-time payments have been taken over the years to gather. We actually think the banknies can help the skip that the jump technology and stablecoini will be a very important part of it. “

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2025-03-13 16:16:00