Crypto News

FBI seize $ 200,000 in Crypto from Hamas Banknotes, Accounts

The US Federal Investigation Department (FBI) seized more than $ 200,000 cryptocurca from several wallets and accounts related to the Palestinian Militant Group Hamas, according to A Thursday announcement.

According to the FBI, more than $ 1.5 million crypto – largely in the form of donations of Hamas supporters around the world – it went through seized banknotes and exchange bills from last October. Wallet addresses were reportedly promoted in group chat that claims that they are connected to Hamas, the American and terrorist organization, which set up the American and European Union, and donations were subsequently launched through a series of cropto exchange and transactions.

“These attacks show that this office will search high and low for each Hamas financing cent, wherever it is found, and in any form of currency,” said American lawyer Edward R. Martin Jr. In the district of the Columbia District. “Hamas is responsible for the death of many American and Israeli citizens, and we will stop stopping their campaign terror and murder.”

Approximately $ 90,000 in Crypto was seized from an undiscovered number of wallets, and another $ 112,000 was taken over with three exchanges on the FBI release, and the accounts were registered with Palestinian individuals living in Turkey “and elsewhere.”

The American Ministry of Finance and the other foreign governments have previously sanctioned financial networks of Hamas and Cropto Transfers Factory, seized Cripto CRIPTO. In April 2023. the National Bureau of the Ministry of Defense of Israel for the Fight against Terrorism (NBCTF) seized almost 200 accounts of cryptocurrencies related to the exchange of Palestinian currency. Toward report From the company BlocCchain Analytics Trm Laboratories, NBCCF has seized “dozens millions” of dollars in the CRIPTO from the LAMAS dollar in the last few years.

Toward American Treasury, Hamas used a cryptocurrency to move part of his money from at least 2020. years, in order to mitigate the risks of physical conveying cash and avoid financial monitoring.×3001.jpg?auto=format

2025-03-27 21:28:00

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