Experts weighing the encryption project that struggles – here is the reason that some still believe in its capabilities

Solana, also known as “ethereum killer”, has grown in popularity, although it may not suffice to upgrade her title.
Green issues I mentioned that the Solana platform can process 65,000 transactions per second, which is 1600 times faster than Ethereum. The average transaction fee in Solana is less than $ 1 percent US, while Ethereum lands range from $ 10 and $ 50.
Despite Solana’s strengths, the distinctive symbol Exchange rate It is 1 Solana for $ 127.21 to this writing. On the contrary, 1 ether – the original cryptocurrency on Ethereum – equal to 1946.40 USD until this writing Binance.
However, exchange rates have decreased significantly since then Green issues She published her article on February 10; 1 Solana and 1 Ether equals about $ 220 and about $ 3550, respectively, at that time.
Both are pale compared to BitcoinOf course, it reaches 82,824.42 dollars until this lines after it witnessed a similar decrease during the past month, after it was traded in the amount of $ 98333.22 on February 10 and going to more than $ 100,000 in December and January.
Fast company This decrease is attributed to cryptocurrencies who suffer from “total economic uncertainty”. This feeling stimulates a large number of definitions imposed by the United States on Canada, Mexico, China and many other countries.
At least, the Solana platform has the ability to be more convenient for the environment than other encrypted currency forms because it uses the consensus of “proof of history”, which does not require mining. Ethereum is not far from the knees, as it ended the “integration” in 2022 to switch to proving the ascension and reducing its energy Used by More than 99 % compared to work proof.
Solana may also be an applicable alternative to ETHEREUM as two of the most environmentally suitable options in terms of unprecedented uniform code, which generally requires a lot of energy and can lead to electronic waste, according to InvestopediaEspecially if Blockchain is used like bitcoin. However, supporters of work, which is used by Bitcoin, He says It is safer and more central.
Moreover, many mining facilities were turning into clean or renewable energy or using only extra energy that might be lost, as well as helping to finance clean energy by making it more profitable, which is a big step in The right direction To clean the Crypto reputation as the power pork.
But there are still other problems that must be addressed, as all mine workers in the cryptocurrency are thinking forward, such as the smart forces that invest in cleaner energy that provides long -term money. Many areas had to deal with threats The energy network collapses Electronic waste increases as a result of two more opportunistic actions. With this in mind, the diversity in the cryptocurrency market should continue-with some low-energy alternatives, as Solana and Ethereum-were in good health in seeking to achieve a cleaner future for encryption.
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