The XRP commander was chosen in the Ripple of the Consulting Council

It is said that Brad Garlinghyus, CEO of Ripple, has been listed in the brief list of President Donald Trump’s new consulting council.
The task of this council is to direct American policy regarding cryptocurrencies and encrypted currencies.
The New York Post reported that Frank Chaparu, the Bodctast Curled Currency Host “Loving,” Ripple founder, Marco Santori, former general advisor to Kakin, among the main candidates.
On January 6 with President Trump, he is the chief legal official of GarlingHouse and Ripple Stewart Aldouti on January 6 with President Trump, another factor that contributes to the uproar surrounding him.
Garlinghouse attributed US assistance to the Trump administration
There is no official word about whether Garinghouse will join the council. Recently, Garinghouse has been criticized for pressure on companies.
It is claimed that Ripple presses XRP to obtain a possible numerical background supported by the government. Garinghouse stated that there should be no one coded currency dominant and argued against the maximum encryption.
The argument on the government -backed digital reserve is to get more heating, as bitcoin supporters claim that due to security and decentralization, BTC should be the basic origin. The industry is likely to continue to form by driving Ripple and its impact on whether Garinghouse can get a seat on the table.
2025-02-06 11:19:00