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Evo Ko Cripto Bettio see win – DL News

  • Canada goes on surveys 28. Poll.
  • The election will kill the CBDC fan against Baccoin Baccoin.
  • Donald Trump is likely to be a decisive question in voting.

The race is turned on.

Fresh mowing Canadian Prime Minister and Cripto Skeptić Mark Carney called to the election elections to see him according to the conservative party leader and the long-lasting Bitcoin Backer Pierre Poistre.

The diskless victory began to look only two months ago. But threats Donald Trump Annex Canada And the fresh tariffs on Earth helped the quota transferred to Carne’s affection, in accordance with bets and anticipation polls.

A key decisive factor? Who can be presented as the best defensive on Canada against Trump Trading War.

“President Trump claims that Canada is not a real country,” Carney said. “He wants us to break us so that America can own us. We will not allow that to happen. We are over the impact; but we should never forget the lessons.”

Poilievre is similar I have been distanced From the American president, saying that “time to put Canada for change first,” and to “support the Trump of Power Position”.

The election will be held on 28. April.

It will kill Carney, who previously led the Central Bank of the Bank of England and Canada, against the politicians of career Poilievre.

Carney Leapfrogs Poilievre

Two months ago, the elections looked like a dishonest conclusion.

Poilievre had a pleasant guidance on the polls, and also enjoyed 90% chance of winning the election, according to the crypto-residual cropto prediction market Polimarket and her rival Kalshi.

However, aggressive and unpredictable foreign policies of Trump and unpredictable “psychodrama“As Canadian Foreign Minister Melanie Joli called him,” the chances of Poilova transferred.

Poilievre now has a 49% chance to win against Carney’s 51%, according to polymaryttles. Kalshi put the chances of winning the conservative party 47%, and the chances of the Liberal Party at 54%.

Economist The latest average polling averages give Carney 39% chance of winning and Poilier’s 37% chance.

Trump effect

Trump appeared as a key deciding factor in the election, which he gave Carney amplifier.

Most voters, or 55%, says that his liberal party will be most suitable to deal with trade war between Canada and the US, while 30% said the same about conservatives, in line with middle mark survey Institute Angus Reid.

“It is impossible to transmit the influence of the shares of the President on Canadian policy, to Canadian psyche, in Canadian business,” Marca Surkes, the main strategic official in state affairs Compass Rose, said BBC.

Cripto Views

CRIPTO is unlikely to be a decisive factor, with questions such as economics, health care and defense spending on the top of the polling minds.

Nevertheless, Poilievera’s position as a longtime advocate Bitcoin, his promise to make Canada “The capital of Blockchain“The opposition to the digital currencies of the Central Bank performed comparison with Trump, which secured a white house on a pro-cripto platform.

CarneyOn the other hand, he supported the creation of CBDC and was expressed by Skepticism Bitcoin, rejecting it as a bad value store.

However, he remained relatively quiet in these issues in recent years, so it is unclear that he changed his position.

It wouldn’t be the first time the politician overturned the crypto.

Finally, Trump discarded Bitcoin as “Dollar Scam” 2021. Years.

Eric Johansson is an editor news DL News. You have the top? E-mail to

(TagstotRanslate) Donald-Trump (T) Polimarket (T) CBDC

2025-03-24 16:45:00

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