El Salvador signs an agreement on the Current Regulation Cropto with Paraguay

El Salvador enrolled in the Regulatory Agreement with Paraguaya on Kruptocurri.
Paraguay’s Secretaria de De Deo Lavado de Dinero about Bies (Seprelad) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Comision El Salvador National National Digital Digital Nationalities (CNAD) last Friday.
on your website. Сепселад и Цнад ће такође сарађивати у откривању и контроли нелиценцираних крипто операција у Парагваиу, рекао је Агенција и ојачала праксе прања против новца.
“El Salvador continues to share his path and success in the field of digital property, strengthening international alliances to build a more connected and transparent future”, “CNAD president Juan Carlos Reies published On X. “Овај споразум не само да подстиче иновације, већ и обезбеђује финансијски интегритет у економији без ивице.”
When he requested the agreement details, Reis was referred to the Central Bank of Paraguay that crosses would not master or master the Central Bank or superintendencia de valores (created in 2023. years and part of the central bank).
Paraguay was advised not to communicate with cryptological entities not approved or regulated by superintendencia.
El Salvador’s CNAD has established One of the most advanced regulations crypto in the world. CNAD is purposefully built to regulate digital property; Agency Agency Agencies-first approach was thoroughly praised by the CRIPTO companies that received the license for Digital Services El Salvador (Dradic) license.
Цнад је значајно јединствена тачка уноса за све дигиталне имовине у земљи, што значи да свако ко комисија не дозвољава прекрши, Реиес је раније рекао ЦОИндеску. It is unclear whether the paraguay agreement includes setting up a similar structure for the nation of South America.
El Salvador had already signed Cripto regulatory agreement with Comision National De Vrodima (CNV) Argentina in December.
“На Цнаду имамо два основна циљева, када је у питању међународна сарадња”, рекли су Реиес ЦОИндеску. “Share our expertise with international partners, allowing them to take advantage of a well-regulated industry. … (i) Expand the international imprint of our regulated companies by coining strategic partnership agreements with nations around the world.”
2025-03-10 22:31:00