Mining News

Digital shares marathon by 5 % amid Bitcoin production announcement

MARATHON DIGIAL of Bitco Marethon Digital has informed a decrease in Bitcoin’s production for February, O month to the month due to the highest difficulty in the network and less operating days.

Digital marathonBitcoin (Bitcoin)BTCThe company said that production decreased by 6 % months in February due to difficulty in the high network and less operational days.

In Bitcoin production a report It was issued on March 4, the Florida -based company revealed a 4 % increase in daily encryption production compared to January, although Bitcoin production decreased by 6 % month. Despite the decrease, the stimulating stigma segmentation remained stable, as the company confirmed.

“The blocs won and Bitcoin’s production decreased by 6 % month to the month, due primarily due to the level of difficulty in the network and three operating three days. Our active fragmentation was slightly higher than the previous month, and we are about to finish building a 40 -megawatt data center in Ohio where we plan to install more than ten thousand User miners.

Farid Thil, Chairman and CEO of Marathon Digitter

Long -term opportunities in artificial intelligence

According to Thiel, the mining company aims to enhance its position in the field of artificial intelligence, which, although the CEO of the marathon will create additional long -term revenue opportunities.

“We expect our costs to decrease because we are aware of the savings from owning our sites and generating our own strength, and we will focus on laser efficiency and we are directed towards our goal of low -cost energy.” Farid Thil

The increase in the difficulty of the network indicated a challenge for miners since half of Bitcoin in April 2024, which reduced the rewards for each mining block from the highest levels of the highest, making it difficult to maintain production rates. With more competition on the network, fewer blocks are won, which affects production numbers.

Marathon shares on pre -market trading decreased by 5 % after updating production, for all data from Yahoo financing. It is not clear when the new miners will be published exactly to Ohio’s entire site.

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