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Deay needs more diverse data sets

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Artificial intelligence is all anger. However, under the hype, the environment of decentralized AI (Deai), lies critical flaws: Dear diverse, safe, verifiable data. Working data on the chain are simply too limited to the train of really powerful models. It risks that they will kill the future in centralized whitemot, which have unspecified access to huge renovation online.

Deay’s promising, transparent and robust ai-hinges at bridging this data gap. Smart cryptography offers route.

The beauty of conventional AI lies in his damn. The more data devours the more smarter becomes. But this advantage is his Achilles heel. Centralized AI models are trained on data that are often collected without explicit consent, raising thorny privacy and control issues.

Deai, built on the principles of decentralization and transparency of Blockeain, offers an attractive alternative. However, most ordaic data comes from financial transactions or definitive. Small language models specifically require more precise data for fine adjustment. This leaves Deai models that burned rich and diverse data sets needed to specify them to competitive levels than the latest models.

Such data sets are available outside the Web3, with a bunch and common creep containing data from billions of unique sources. The depth of existing Verified Web2 data sources, as much as the data volume, is what has enabled centralized and providers to specify their GPTs and as quickly and as fast as it is faster.

Recreation of the same level of data on Onchain is not feasible in competitive time. And while some AI firms are at data creators who accuse them of exactly the type of nuanced data discussed here, there is another way to get more data on data enchanting – make it safer.

Construction bridges

Cryptography includes here. Evidence with zero knowledge, already real waves in scalibilities and privacy in Blockoin, offer a strong solution. Two techniques in special-zero knowledge of completely homomorphic encryption (ZKFHE) and TLS ZERO-KOMPANTS (ZKTLS) – Reinforced key to unlock Web2 data for DEAI.

ZKFHE allows calculated calculated on encrypted data without deciphrug. Imagine that you train AI for sensitive medical documents without ever exhibiting raw materials. This is the power of ZKFHE. It allows Deai models to learn from huge, protected privacy gatherings, significantly expand their training opportunities.

ZKTLS extends this principle to Internet communication. Allows users to prove certain data from the website – say, credit score or social media activities – without discovering basic information. This is crucial for integrating the wealth of data that reside in the Silos Web2 in DEAI systems. For example, a decentralized loan scoring model could use ZKTLs to access the authenticated financial data of traditional institutions without compromising their confidentiality.

An advantage, Deay?

The implications are deep. By combining ZKFHE and ZKTL, Deai can touch the Hospity of Web2 data, while preserving the core principles of privacy and decentralization. This could be aligned reproduction, allowing the Deay to compete with and perhaps even opposite centralized AI.

Consider the development of large language models that dominated well-financed technologically giants. These models require colossal amounts of textual training. Filling ZKTLS, Deai developers could access and use publicly available web data in the storage of privacy, creating more democratic and more transparent LLMS.

There are, of course, challenges. The implementation of ZKFHE and ZKTLS is computer intense, requires significant progress in hardware and software. Standardization and interoperability are also crucial for widely adoption. But potential prizes are huge.

In the AI ​​race, the data is the ultimate fuel. By accepting cryptographic solutions like ZKFHA and ZKTLS, Deai can access the fuel to perform. This is not just about building smarter AI; It is about building democratic and fairer and the future.

Ksiang Xieis

Ksiang Xieis

Ksiang Xieis is the Director General and co-founder of Primus. Much of his career has shifted cryptography, including the theoretical research of practical application, both in academic and industrial adjustments. Its focus is on a personal privacy preservation machine that preserves the use of multi-party computing and evidence of zero knowledge to protect user data and privacy models.

2025-02-09 21:18:00

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