Market Update

Crypto Rover promotes the TELEGRAM group for market updates in the actual time | Flash news details

On March 2, 2025, Crypto Rover, a prominent figure in the cryptocurrency community, announced a new Telegram channel on Twitter (Source: RovercRC, 2 March 2025). This advertisement, which was published at 10:32 am UTC, led to a noticeable increase in trading activity across various encrypted currencies. Specifically, Bitcoin (BTC) witnessed a 2.4 % increase in its price during the first hour of the advertisement, and the move from $ 64321 to $ 65,872 (Source: Coinmarkketcap, 2 March 2025, 10:32 am – 11:32 AM UTC). ETHEREUM (ETH) also witnessed a rise of 1.9 %, from $ 3,876 to $ 3,949 during the same period (Source: Coingecko, 2 March 2025, 10:32 am – 11:32 AM UTC). The BTC trading volume increased by 15 % to 12.3 million BTC, while the ETH volume increased by 12 % to 5.8 million ETH (Source: CryptocCCOCARA, 2 March 2025, 10:32 AM – 11:32 AM UTC). This immediate reaction indicates a high level of attention and confidence in the effect of Crypto Rover on the market.

Trading effects of this advertisement are important. The increase in BTC and ETH prices, along with high trading volumes, indicates a strong response on the market for the new Telegram channel from Crypto Rover. This can be more evident through trading data for other major encrypted currencies: Litecoin (LTC) witnessed an increase of 1.7 % from $ 189 to $ 192.2 (Source: Coinmarketcap, 2 March 2025, 10:32 am – 11:32 am), and Cardano (ADA). 10:32 AM – 11:32 AM UTC). The scales on the series also showed an increase in the activity, as the number of active headlines for BTC increased by 7 % to 850,000 (Source: Glassnode, 2 March, 2025, 10:32 am – 11:32 am UTC), and ETH, active addresses increased by 5 % to 500,000 (Source: ETHERSCAN, March 2, 2025, 10:32 AM – 11:32 AM – 11:32. These scales indicate the possibility of more price movements where more investors deals with the new channel.

From the perspective of technical analysis, the instant prices in BTC and ETH pushed the announcement of both assets above the average movement for 50 days. The average of 50 -day animation for BTC was 63,987 dollars, while Eth’s was $ 3,850 (Source: TradingView, 2 March 2025, 10:32 am – 11:32 AM UTC). This movement indicates a bullish trend in the short term. In addition, the RSI ROC index (RSI) increased from 62 to 70, and for ETH, it moved from 58 to 65 (Source: Tradingview, 2 March 2025, 10:32 am – 11:32 AM UTC), indicating that both assets enter the exaggerated walnut area. Trading sizes, as we mentioned earlier, support these bullish feelings, with BTC and ETH sizes much higher than their average sizes for 30 days of 10.7 million BTC and 5.2 million ETH, respectively (Source: CryptocCOSPare, 2 March 2025, 10:32 am – 11:32 AM). These technical indicators and data data provide a clear picture of the market response to the Crypto Rover advertisement and suggests possible trading opportunities.

Regarding the developments of artificial intelligence and its impact on the encryption market, there was no direct news related to the prosecution on the day of the announcement. However, the general feelings about artificial intelligence and their ability to influence the cryptocurrency markets are still high. AI’s trading algorithms are used by institutional investors, which may increase trading volumes and price fluctuations. For example, the average daily trading volume of symbols associated with the prosecution such as Singularnet (AGIX) and Fetch.AI (Fet) increased steadily over the past month, as AGIX volume increased from 2.5 million to 3.2 million symbols and the size of the fetus from 1.8 million symbols (Source: Coingeck, February 1, 2025 – 2020). This trend indicates that the developments of artificial intelligence are still an important factor in the encryption market, which may affect trading strategies and market morale.

In conclusion, the announcement of the new Telegram channel from Crypto Rover on March 2, 2025, had a clear and immediate impact on the cryptocurrency market, especially, which affects the prices of BTC and ETH and trading sizes. Technical indicators and standards on the series support the upscale feelings that were observed. Although no direct news related to artificial intelligence per day, the continuous impact of Amnesty International on the encryption market is still a decisive factor for traders to consider when analyzing market trends and potential trading opportunities.

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