Who is Hester Peirce? Cript’s favorite regulator starts new era – DL News

- Peirce will sefine on the crypt’s chest president Trump’s working group.
- She will work again with Paul Atkins in sex, which she served under a lawyer 20 years ago.
- He wants to see loose regulations across the Committee for Digital Property.
The Securities Commission and Exchange Commission Hester Peirce has become a favorite among the crypto industry thanks to its views in free markets and digital means.
Kindly called “crypto mom” for her passer, Peirce was appointed as a head Trump Administration Crypto Working Groupmove welcome Industry leaders.
“Too often, we as regulators jump and say, I will tell you what to do with my life”, Peirce told DL News last year. “I’m not your mom.”
No, Peirce is a lawyer and bureaucrat, who served from the turn of the century in Washington. After graduating from the Faculty of Faculty of Law, IALE, he spent the first three years of his career for the American Court of Federal Requests and in Private Practice at Wilmerhale.
Peirce first landed at the current House SEK 2000. years, as a lawyer for staff in the investment investment for the Investment Paul Atkins, who is now ready to become her boss again her boss again became her boss again.
Peirce then moved to Congress, working as a senior advisor to the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Jobs.
At the time of her nomination As the Trustee of SEC President Barack Obama 2015., Peirce worked as a senior research associate and director of George Mason University. Although that nomination stopped, she appointed Trump again in 2017 and confirmed it.
Her current expression, which began in 2020. year, ends in June this year.
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Her views remained consistent PRO market. In ulcer for The New York Times In 2013, Peirce claimed against government intervention on banks while throwing a mild shoulder to federal reserves.
“The only virtue of the Government directly in banking is that it is fairer than the current system, in which the Government entails the coupled private bank”, at the time she wrote.
Peirce’s attitudes on cryptocurries began to come to a sharp focus around 2021. year, when she presented the proposal, Safe Harbor 2.0.
In it, it was driven by the token, regulatory clarity is initiated through the approach similar to legal regime that regulates the user uploading platforms such as Youtube, which compensation digital platform from breaches of copyrighting platforms.
The proposal received the support of the industry but never penetrated in many past Peirce is your own GitHub page.
Last year, Peirce sad to DL News Figuring the LBri and Stoner Cats, the two crypto projects seen as it succumbed to take precise settlement or litigation.
In Letter posted on Tuesday The title “The journey begins”, “Peirce reiterated his Pro-Cripto positioning, writing that the” Handling Crypt’s Crypt, marked legally imprecise and commercial impractical. “
It is a characterization that has often repeated during Now-concluded Truck SEC Chairs Gary Glensler. She also celebrated Voting for Scrap SAB 121.
“In this country,” he wrote in the letter this week in the letter “, mostly have the right to make decisions for themselves.”
“But the colleague of that wonderful American freedom is equally beautiful, that people must decide themselves, they do not seem to tell them what to do or bring them out, nor to take them out when they do it bad. “
Andrew Flanagan is a writer on DL News. Contact it on aflanagan@dlnews.com.
2025-02-06 21:09:00