Invest in Bitcoin during the crash

Recently, Robert Kiyosaki, the self-taught financial guru and author of Rich Dad Poor Dad, delivered a message about the global economy. In his recent statements, Kiyosaki said that we are now going through a historic financial collapse, and called on everyone to start thinking and diversifying away from fiat currencies.
His advice: “Buy when prices are low and hold for the long term.”
Among the recommended assets are gold, silver and Bitcoin (BTC), which he categorizes as a necessary hedge ahead of the looming economic downturn.
Even after criticizing the global financial system for years, Kiyosaki fears the current weakness was already present in the credit crunch of 2008. He said the US government gave money to banks, creating an emotional appeal that set the stage for current issues.
“Seventeen years later, the economy is paying the price,” Kiyosaki said.
This is in essence the message that Kiyosaki shared in one of his recent social media posts, in which he also outlined his concerns about the fractured market. The government bailed out the banks in 2008 but left millions unemployed, pushing them onto the streets. This time, it all boils down to this, reflecting the truth of the song itself: “And this time it all comes to a head.”
“Cash is trash”: Kiyosaki’s call to action for smart investors
Kiyosaki also expects a deterioration in performance in the coming financial years and a collapse in markets in the automobile, real estate, hotel, and retail sectors. He also noted that rising geopolitical risks remain another potential catalyst for enhancing the global economic burden.
However, Kiyosaki is certain that crises are always possible and create the best opportunities for those who are ready to act. He urged investors to transfer their assets to different real estate entities as the value of the dollar is rapidly declining.
As the value of the currency declines, “cash becomes waste,” Kiyosaki said, and people need to invest in assets that are likely to increase in value in the future. The favorites were gold and silver for his investment approach, but he reserved the highest praise for it BitcoinWhich he called “the people’s money” and a store of value against monopoly money.
The financial expert said that the recent trend that saw Bitcoin decline represents a good opportunity to invest in the virtual currency. Over the years, Kiyosaki has been supportive CryptocurrencyClaiming that it provides protection from inflation and the weakness of paper money. According to him, what we have here is another financial system that is less risky than the policy risks perpetrated by governments and central banking systems.
He has remained bullish on Bitcoin and once again said it is “the future of money and the ability to hold value during a period of uncertainty.” As expected, Kiyosaki took the opportunity to emphasize the traditional line that “when the economy fails, Bitcoin will stand tall.”
In addition to stock market volatility, Kiyosaki, who shared his view, predicted war was imminent as tensions rose in one country after another. He said that tensions between major players in the global economy may increase, making the situation closer to the traditional perfect storm Financial systems.
However, he advised investors to be on the right side, positive rather than negative, noting that this is the best wealth creation opportunity of a lifetime.
All these concerns seem to be Robert Kiyosaki This comes at a time when market inflation, increasing interest rates, and supply chain disruptions are impacting global markets. But although his view of the future may be bleak, his focus on the value of bitcoin, gold and silver may represent something more important: an investor’s return to diversification.
Kiyosaki’s message is a wake-up call and an invitation to those willing to sort the wheat of the economy from the chaff. Whether everything he predicts happens, I think his idea sends an important message about the need for caution in a volatile economy.