Kekalf highlights the potential prices in the encrypted currency market Flash news details

On February 16, 2025, tweet by Kecalf, Green (@Nft5lut) has caused attention to the cryptocurrency community with the statement, “A couple of zeros will be nice!” This tweet was conducted at 10:37 am EST and soon acquired attention, reflecting a feeling of a significant price reduction in encrypted currencies (Source: X Post by @Nft5lut, February 16, 2025). The context of tweets indicates a desire to obtain an accessible entry point in the market, and may hint on correction or collision. At Twitter time, Bitcoin was trading at a price of $ 52,120.45 (Source: Coinmarketcap, 16 February 2025, 10:37 am EST), Ethereum at $ 3,180.20 (Source: Coinmarketcap, 16 February, 2025, 10:37 In the morning East US time), the distinctive symbol focused on artificial intelligence, (Fet), was at $ 0.78 (Source: Coingecko, 16 February 2025, 10:37 AM Est). Bitcoin trading volume reached 12.5 billion US dollars in the last 24 hours (Source: Coinmarketcap, 16 February 2025, 10:37 AM), while ETHEREMM size was 6.8 billion US dollars (Source: Coinmarkcap, 16 February, 2025, 10: 37: In the morning EST), Fetch.I was 320 million dollars (Source: Coingecko, February 16, 2025, 10:37 am EST). The scale on the series for active Bitcoin addresses showed 850,000 (Source: Glassnode, 16 February 2025, 10:37 am US ES), while Ethereum 420,000 (Source: Glassnode, 16 February, 2025, 10:37 am East US time),’s 12000 (Source: Glassnode, 16 February 2025, 10:37 AM EST), indicating a moderate level of network activity across these assets at the time of Twitter.
After a tweet, there was a noticeable shift in the feelings of the market, as Bitcoin witnessed a decrease of 2.1 % during the next hour, as it reached 51,010.25 dollars by 11:37 am ESTT (Source: Coinmarketcap, 16 February, 2025, 11: 37 am EST). Ethereum followed her example, decreased by 1.8 % to $ 3,120.40 (Source: Coinmarketcap, 16 February, 2025, 11:37 AM EST), and Fetch.AI saw a decrease of 3.8 % to $ 0.75 (Source: Coengecko, February 16, 2025, 11: 37 am EST). This immediate reaction indicates that an echo tweet with the market participants, and may lead to sale or profit. Bitcoin trading volume rose to 13.2 billion US dollars during the same hour (Source: Coinmarketcap, 16 February 2025, 11:37 AM), ETHEREUM volume rose to $ 7.1 billion ) The volume of Fetch.AI rose to $ 350 million (Source: Coingecko, 16 February 2025, 11:37 AM EST), indicating an increase in trading activity after its tweet. Bitcoin series scales showed an increase in active addresses to 910,000 (Source: Glassnode, 16 February 2025, 11:37 AM), active ETHEREUM addresses rose to 450,000 (Source: Glassnode, 16 February 2025, 11: 37 AM Est The active Fetch.AI headlines rose to 13500 (Source: Glassnode, 16 February 2025, 11:37 AM EST), reflecting the increase in network sharing in response to Twitter.
Technical indicators at the time of tweet showed the RSI’s relative index (RSI) in 62.5 (Source: TradingView, February 16, 2025, 10:37 am US EST), indicating that he was in their arrest area. RSI’s ETAREUM was at 59.2 (Source: Tradingvief, 16 February 2025, 10:37 AM EST), and RSI Fetch.AI at 55.8 (Source: TradingView, February 16, 2025, 10:37 am US time), which indicates indicates To similar but a less clear condition in the peak area. The difference in the MacD MacD of Bitcoin Cross Digous at -12.5 (Source: TradingView, 16 February 2025, 10:37 AM East US time), indicating a potential declining momentum. ETHEREUM’s MacD was in -9.2 (Source: TradingView, 16 February 2025, 10:37 AM EST), and Macd’s Macd was in -5.8 (Source: Tradingvief, February 16, 2025, 10:37 AM EST), both of whom were also formed the Habbudian conditions . The trading volume of Bitco/Busd husband was $ 2.1 billion (Source: Binance, 16 February 2025, 10:37 am US EST), ETHEREUM/ETH was $ 1.2 billion (Source: Binance, February 16, 2025, 10: 37 AM EST), and Petch.i/usdt was $ 50 million (Source: Binance, February 16, 2025, 10:37 AM EST), providing a snapshot of liquidity through these commercial husbands at the time of tweet. The scales on the series for the number of Bitcoin 240,000 transactions (Source: Glassnode, 16 February 2025, 10:37 am EST time), and ETHEREMM was 120,000 (Source: Glassnode, 16 February, 2025, 10:37 am EST ), Fetch.
Regarding the association of the Ai-Crypto market, the tweet effect on Fetch.AI can be analyzed, a symbol focused on artificial intelligence. Prices in Better.aii showed a decrease in the highest percentage of compared to bitcoin and ethereum, indicating an increased sensitivity to market morale transformations. The correlation coefficient between and Bitcoin over the past 24 hours has been 0.78 (Source: Cryptoquant, February 16, 2025, 10:37 AM EST), indicating a strong positive relationship. However, the correlation coefficient between and Ethereum 0.65 (Source: Cryptoquant, February 16, 2025, 10:37 am US EST), indicating a weaker but still important relationship. AI’s trading volume for Fetch.AI has seen a 10 % increase in the next tweet (Source: Kaiko, 16 February 2025, 11:37 AM), indicating that AI’s trading algorithms have responded to the expressed feelings in a tweet. This analysis highlights the potential trading opportunities in the symbols associated with the prosecution, as different reactions may appear on the market events compared to the main encrypted currencies, providing traders with unique entry and exit points based on the dynamics of the AI-Crypto Market.