Men’s mission to return digital wallet worth 620 million pounds

It has been more than a decade, because James Hovells’ Hard Drive – containing Bitcoin is now worth hundreds of millions of pounds – ended at the landfill location.
But despite facing numerous failures, it is determined to continue with his mission to take it.
“This is my job, if you want. My 9 to 5,” he said, adding that “absolutely not” would give up.
The value of the cryptocurrency has drastically increased in recent months, and the hard disk is currently worth 620 million pounds, Mr. Howells said, “It makes sense to direct my energy to this” – although some other work with crypts works.
Г. Howells, from Newport, claimed his former partner wrong kicked out Hard disk, containing 8,000 bitcoin, in 2013. years, and ends at the top owned by the Newport’s city council.
Last month, the Judge of the High Court threw his efforts to access the landfill or gain a fee of 495 million pounds, saying that there were no “reasonable reasons” for requests and “no realistic prospects of success at full trial.
He now plans the case – presenting himself using artificial intelligence to support his claim – on the Appeals Court. He also expressed interested in buying a location after the advice said It is planned to close it in the financial year 2025-26.
The Newport Council said it was not a further comment on it.
Mr. Hovells was the early adoption of cryptocurries, mining Bitcoin in 2009. years when it was a small faction of its current value.
He said that his former partner accidentally threw his hard disk – containing Bitcoin wallet in 2013. As his value has risen, he organized a team of experts who will try to find and regain.
He repeatedly requested the permission of the Website Access Council, offering it to the lack of missing Bitcoin if successfully recovered.
After Mr. Howells initiated legal proceedings, the Council applied for the High Court’s hearing to seek to reject the request before going to the trial – which the judge last month.
The Council claimed that their ecological permits would prohibit any attempt to dig a search site and previously said that such work “had a huge negative impact on the environment to the environment.”
Not wanting to give up, Mr. Hovells now believes that there are two options open to take on a digital wallet or work with investors to try to buy a landfill, after the announcement of the site “will be planned to close it in the next Two years.

Г. Hovells said the BBC news was satisfied with work, his legal team was made at the trial of a High Court, but will now be presented in the case submitted to the Court of Appeals – using a “artificial intelligence” request.
Described AI as “absolutely incredible technology” that helps him better understand court processes and laws and that he has about seven “solid reasons in the law, what he hopes to be able to present the person to Appeals Court.
What is James Hovells’ legal case?
One of the arguments in his case is centering on the plans of the Council to close the site, something that was considered to be discovered during the trial of the High Court.
“These are material information that should be (at trial) – the judge should have been aware of it, as did I,” he said.
Г. Hovells also said that the purchase and completely dig up the site would save the advice that claimed to be significant maintenance costs after the place closes.
“Every piece would get out or recycled, and at the end of the process we would have a hard drive in our hands – and we have an empty landfill,” he said.
In the trial of High Court, the Council also claimed that the hard disk became its property as soon as it entered the landfill, but Mr. Howells said it did not take that into account the fact that his former partner has expelled.
“It was taken without my approval or consent,” he said.

Early ‘agreements’ with investors
Г. Hovells also said the opportunity to buy advice from advice, adding to “preliminary agreements” with investors – including those in the Middle East and the United States – who could provide funding available whether he had a permit to buy the site.
“They didn’t just put millions of pounds in my last pocket … but if the advice showed the readiness to sell the location, then funding will be available,” he said.
The Council did not indicate that it was interested in selling the location and, as part of its closure, provided a planning permit for a solar farm at the part of the country.
After spending many years, including the opening of legal subjects, Mr. Howells said he was sure that the hard drive remained in the landfill, which has more than 1.4 million tons of waste.
He said he did his “due diligence and research,” talking with the site manager at the landfill.
“Everything that was put in that place is still there. So, where else could it be?”
He asked if he would ever give up his mission to take over, he said, “Absolutely no. This is like a final battle in the braver.”

What is Bitcoin?
Bitcoin is a cryptocurrencyvirtual or digital currency that does not have a physical form.
Bitcoini can be divided into smaller units, with Sotoshi is the smallest monetary unit.
Satoshis was named after the inventor of Bitcoin Satoshi Nakamoto – that he was believed to be a pseudonym – written a key currency document in 2008. years.
Those who invested in the product in the course, like G. Howell, they were part of the “very small” CRIPTO community known as Cipherpunks, said Billy Bambrough, author of the Criptocodek newsletter.
Bitcoin is not a fictional first cryptocurrency, but a lot of special attention has come with early supporters who “very quickly enhanced with him,” Mr. Bambrough said.
Prices began to rise around 2016. and 2017. years, and yet in 2020. During the rehearsal pandemic when the “stock exchange, cryptocurrenci and meme coins and memes, and meme coins and memes, prayed.
“A lot of people became very rich, but a lot of people also lost money,” G. said Bambrough.
Cryptocurrency also saw a quick increase in late 2024. years, after winning Donald Trump in General General Elections, and his administration was given to be seen as far as a cryptocurrency cryptic.
“A lot of people in Cripto and Bitcoin Worlds says that the price rose so much in such a short time, they claim it could go more and more,” said Mr. Bambrough.
“So I can understand why James (Hovells) wants to find his Bitcoin.”
2025-02-16 00:57:00