Crypto News

California Senator supports BitCoiner for Seat on the 500B Pension Fund Board

California Senator supports BitCoiner for Seat on the 500B Pension Fund Board

California State Senator Ben Allen sees further Pro-Cripto representation with the approval of the Vienna for election in the Cauciary Public Pension Fund’s committee.

Bei is the founder of the workforce evidence, Bitcoin (Btc) Non-profit focused on the promotion of BTC adoption through educational initiatives targeting workers, trade unions and pension funds. He is in the race to join the pension system in California Public Employees, Calpers, as a board member.

Knightly, Calpers is the largest public pension fund in the United States with over 500 billion dollars and serves more than 2 million members of public retirement. Calpers manages pension assets in California Police Department, firefighters and teachers, among other things.

The Pension Fund also has over 1.5 million individuals as members of its health program.

The Kalpers Board includes 13 members. The approval of Senar Allen could see that the Properee of the First Bitcoin would be to be chosen.

“I dedicated for a decade for the worker’s champions and salary wages. Now, I run to Calme’s Committee of Commissioners to protect the largest public pension of our people, serving 2m + participants,” Bei noticed in a mail on X.

The former firefighter was previously served at the Advisory Board of the Santa Monica Pension Fund. His Pro-Bitcoin voice saw him to receive several players in the industry.

According to observers, the CALPERS elections will be crucial for the total pressure on the BTC adoption through pensions and other platforms in the public sector. With his experience and as carriage Bitcoin, Bei could see the largest retirement fund in the United States investigates and potentially adds leading digital fortune in his farms.

In addition to Senator Allen, Bey received approvals of more than dozens of state legislator. Mayor Santa Monica Lana Negree and California Treasurer candidate Toni Vazkuez also spoke his chances. Meanwhile, Anthony, the founder and executive director of professional capital management also added His support.

In 2024 years of several pension and endowment, it has revealed exposure to Bitcoin, and it has reached a quick adoption that followed the adoption of securities and approval of securities and replacement of the first place of BTC stock funds. They include state pension funds and more funds for several universities.

2025-03-12 18:41:00

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