The Senate Committee rejects a bill that would prohibit encryption mining near military facilities

Today at 1:35 pm | January 30, 2025 was updated at 6:05 pm
The Arkansas Committee, the Senate, provinces and provinces, rejected on Thursday a draft law prohibiting companies from mining digital assets within a radius of 30 miles from five military facilities in Arkansas.
The Senate Committee’s request was rejected to approve a modified copy of the Senate Law 30 by Senator Ricky Hill, R-CAPOT, in a 6-1 vote.
Hill said that Arkansas has approximately 53,000 square miles, and the Senate Bill will prevent 60 encoding mining facilities within a 30 -miles diameter circuit around the joint maneuvering center in Fort Shafi, thwarting the National Guard Base, Little Rock Air Force Base, and Camp Joseph T. Robinson maneuvering training center, pine arsenal.
The draft law will not apply to encryption mines that already operate before December.
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