Crypto News

Brazilian lawmaker presents an account for regulating bitcoin salary

Brazilian legislators are considering new legislation that would officially authorize employers to pay salaries to employees using Križice such as Bitcoin.

The Federal Deputy Luiz Philippe de Orleans e Braganca has introduced a bill proposing the regulation of crypto paying for salaries, fees and work at work.

Submit 12. Marta, Bill PL 957/2025 legalizes voluntary and partial payment of salaries in cryptocurrency such as Bitcoin (Btc) While they also require employers to continue with part of payment in national currency, Brazilian law.

Brazilian lawmaker presents an account for regulating bitcoin salary

Overview of Draft Law PL 957/2025 by Luiz Philippe de Orleans e Braganac. Source:

Orleans-Braganza, Potomak Brazil former royal family, is serving His second term as a federal deputy for Sao Paulo and Supports Truth Social, Social Media Platform owned by US President Donald Trump.

Bitcoin can explain only 50% pay pay

In the proposed legislation, Orleans-Braganza asked the Code to ban employees to pay full salaries in the CRIPTO, whether such payments at 50%.

“Payment of salaries exclusively in virtual assets is prohibited”, except for cases involving emigrant employees or foreign workers, under the conditions of regulations of the Central Bank of Brazil.

Brazilian lawmaker presents an account for regulating bitcoin salary

Excerpt from Suggested account PL 957/2025. Source:

The draft law also provides full crypto payment by “independent service providers”, in accordance with certain contractual provisions.

Otherwise, the share of payment in Brazilian creation cannot be less than 50% of the total payments of employees.

The conversion of the amount paid in the CRIPTO must follow the course that has officially established an institution authored by the Central Bank of Brazil.

This is a development story and additional information will be added as it becomes available.

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