Blackrock Taps Solana For Buidl Tokeenized Fund as the first appearance of the first time in Bitcoin Etp in Europe

BlackrockThe largest investment company in the world with more than $ 11 trillion of management assets, which provided two important moves on March 25 to increase its presence in the encryption industry.
The company has expanded the distinctive money market fund to Solana Blockchain and presented the first Bitcoin The exchange product (ETP) in the European market.
Bitcoin ETP
Blackrock Ishares Bitcoin ETP has launched across the main European markets.
According to the product WebsiteETP will start trading on March 25 on Xetra Exchange, Euronext Paris, and Euronext Amsterdam. The product is traded under the IB1T index on Xetra, Paris and BTCN in Amsterdam.
To encourage adoption, the ETP appears for the first time with 0.15 % reduced fees, which will remain valid until 2026. Then, the fees will increase to 0.25 %, and correspond to similar regional offers.
This launch follows Strong performance From Blackrock’s Ishares Bitcoin Trust (Ibit) In the United States, which currently runs more than $ 50 billion of assets.
according to Data From Sosovalue, the US -based fund is now about 2.9 % of the total bitcoin supply.
The expansion of Solana Buidel
In a separate development, the Distinguished Blackrock Fund, the Corporation of the American Dilm Fund (the US dollar)BidelHe now lives on Solana.
This represents the seventh Blockchain to support the box, yet Previous passes on ethereumand Collapseand Arbitraryand Aptosand ribbedAnd optimism.
Sucuritize, Blackrock partner, explained to Buidl, that he expanded the product to Solana due to the speed of rapid transactions for Blockchain and low network fees.
Carlos Domingo, co -founder and CEO of Securitize, said:
“Since the RWAS market and the distinctive cabinet are gaining momentum, and expanding Baydel to Solana – which is Blockchain known as its speed, expansion and cost efficiency – a next natural step.”
Buidl Tokens Toykens Traditional Market Market, provides Blockchain’s level of settlement and trading around the clock throughout the week. This contradicts the traditional money that operates in the limited market hours.
Currently, Buidl runs more than $ 1.7 billion of assets, especially cash and short -term money in the US Treasury. ETHEREUM hosts the largest part of these holdings – more than $ 1.5 billion – while the remaining assets are distributed through other subsidized Blockchains.
Aptos and Avalanche owns about $ 53 million, followed by Polygon, Irbia, and Optimism, which has $ 33 million, $ 32 million, and $ 27 million, respectively.
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