BlockChain News

Bitcoin Nfts, Layer-2 and the noise “is completely gold”

A CEO of Bitcoin -2 explained how the Bitcoin novels, which were completely “separate”, have now disappeared during the development of the ecosystem.

In an interview with Cointelegraph, the co -founder of Bitlayer Charlie has three novels from Bitcoin that are believed to be separate. This included the novels that surrounded the decrees, the layer -2, and the re -selection.

According to it, it was one of the excessive novels in Bitcoin not explosive symbols (NFTS). Cointelegraph said that although the inscriptions may be “to the moon”, he said that the era is “completely gone.”

Encryption He appears It is in the first quarter of 2024, the volume of Bitcoin Nfts was $ 1.4 billion. In 2025 Q1, the volume of the folder is only 280 million dollars, which indicates a decrease of 80 %. The CEO believes that 1000 times of NFTS Bitcoin may end and that people cannot expect similar “crazy” prices to perform anymore.